Originally posted by garr71
I have a cable modem, I dont know how to get on the internet with broadband. If anyone can help me please e-mail or something. I really need help, i dont know where to put anything (IP address, hostname etc.) Please help me.
As Jamie said the Howto is your best launching point.
Have you setup an ethernet adapter on the linux box?
Do you have a DHCP client installed? (pump, dhcpcd, dhclient)
As a general rule, if your cable modem ISP uses the 'hostname' to identify/authenticate you on their network that you usually need to supply that info when you start the DHCP client. For dhclient it's in a configuration file and is a little intimidating. For dhcpcd is use this
dhcpcd -h cs####### eth0
where cs###### is the hostname identifier give to you by your ISP and eth0 is the ethernet adapter that is using DHCP to get an address.
Does anyone here know how to get pump to do the same?
[Edited by mcleodnine on 06-12-2001 at 02:19 PM]