Hello Mithrilhall,
Well, basically you forgot to do something, but then again, there is not really a definitive guide to bridging as virtually every setup has crucial differences...
I have used the the linux-bridge a bit, and it would appear that (real) interfaces get 'knocked out of sync' when the bridge module is loaded for the first time in some setups.
I'm not going to go into examples and details, but I would consider putting the following (or equivalent) in you rc.network (or what you have for that):
# simple up and down
# I use 'ifconfig up $interface' in this example, cause
# I don't know whether ifup works on your box.
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 up
modprobe bridge
ifconfig br0 up
# load bridge module (if it loads otherwise, then leave this commented out)
; modprobe bridge
ifconfig eth0 down; ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 down; ifconfig eth1 up
# showing whether module is loaded
echo '#'
echo '# Bridge modules loaded:`lsmod | grep bridge`'
echo '#'
# just giving you time to read...
sleep 2
# and see whether it worked!
echo '# ping from eth0'
ping -c 3 -I eth0 www.google.com
sleep 1
echo '# ping from eth1'
ping -c 3 -I eth1 www.google.com
sleep 1
echo '# ping from br0'
ping -c 3 -I br0 www.google.com
sleep 1
Note: this is assuming that the bridge is persistant, otherwise add
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0
brctl addif br0 eth1
to the beginning of the script.