You're very confused. Name Service and web traffic are two very different things.
Domain Name Service (DNS) is a system for translating Internet names into IP addresses. Web traffic generally means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and refers to the World Wide Web of interconnected web sites. A DNS daemon runs name service (such as BIND, djbdns, etc) and a HTTP daemon runs web service (such as Apache).
Chances are that Network Solutions will host your DNS for you. You don't necessarily need to setup your own (although it could be educational). What you need to know is whether you setup your own IP as your authoritative DNS server or not (look in your account on Network Solutions to see what is listed as your authoritative DNS servers). If you only want to display a web page, then you only need httpd listening for connections.
As for your error above, you do not have a file named "" in the proper directory. You need to download the list of "root servers" from Internic, which you can do like this:
You need to put it in a directory, such as /var/named/, and you need to edit your /etc/named.conf file to use /var/named/named.root as your "hints" file for the "." zone. That's the bare minimum just to get a DNS server working to resolve outside names. If you want to setup your own DNS, you'll have to do a lot more work to configure it.