Please try with the file "run.tcl" : $ ns-hls run.tcl
... And you will see the options : beacon etc. :
[knudfl@localhost hls-utils]$ ns-hls run.tcl
Usage: ns run.tcl -out tracefile
NS Options:
-nn [number of nodes]
-stop [simulation duration in secs]
-x / -y [dimension in meters]
-adhocRouting [routing protocol to use]
-use_gk [radius for gridkeeper usage]
-zip [(0/1) should tracefiles be zipped on-the-fly]
-cc [alpha for congestion control ((MAC802_11 only)]
-ifqlen [max packets in interface queue]
File Options:
-cp [traffic pattern]
-sc [scenario file]
-on_off [wake/sleep pattern]
-lt [load trace file (MAC802_11 only)]
-pingLog [log file for ping statistics (Ping Traffic only)]
MAC Options:
-rr [radio range in meters]
-bw [link/dataRate bandwidth in bits/sec]
-bs [basicRate bandwidth in bits/sec]
GPSR Options:
-bint [beacon interval (and beacon expiry)]
-use_planar [(0/1) planarize graph]
-use_peri [(0/1) use perimeter mode]
-use_mac [(0/1) use mac callback]
-verbose [(0/1) be verbose]
-use_beacon [(0/1) use beacons at all (disable beacons with 0)]
-use_reactive [(0/1) use reactive beaconing]
-locs [locservice to use (0-Omni/1-RLS/2-GLS/3-HLS)]
-use_loop [(0/1) use loop detection]
-ed [topology file (edges)]
-ve [topology file (verteces)]