I investigate to configure a router so
Azureus can work and think that I may help
editing the wiki of
router configuration. I cann't do that -long story short- right now cuss I have neither a functional Azureus nor an IRC sofware installation.
If someone can edit the wiki it may help some people (the process is simple, but the first time it may be confussing). If the Azureus wiki suport some kind of recognition I will like that my name and e-mail is somewhere (note me for this info).
Yes I can try to edit the wiki later, but some people may need this ASAP and not read it on time.
// To configure the
Arescom NETDSL ND1060KUE
// the steps from 2) to 7) are cross platform:
1) get your IP adress*
2) make sure that the configuration of the unit has NAT enabled.
To do this: (edit) or asume that it's enabled and skip to step 3
3) go to > advanced > port mapping
4) type your local IP adress in Internal IP Address
5) type 6881 in Internal Port and in External Port. Make sure that the Protocol is TCP.
6) click the add button and wait until the browser status reads done.
7) open Azureus and start downloading torrents, the face should be green. If not go to step 2)
// using Linux:
boot Linux and (if necesary) change the splash screen to a text-based boot.
read and remember/copy the IP adress when the kernel is setting it up.
// using Windows:
go to run > cmd.exe and type ipconfig.
Read the IP adress and write.