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boscop 04-08-2012 07:23 AM

awk error awk: line 2: missing } near end of file
Hi, please can anyone give me some help here
I am trying to do a if stament using awk but I keep having this error awk: line 2: missing } near end of file

and this is the part of the code

echo "$scanning_card_signal_quality $ROAMING_THRESHOLD_WLAN0 $connected_card_signal_quality" | awk '{if (($1 > $2) && ($3 < $2)) {'
echo "Starting handover from $connected_card to $scanning_card"
start_handover=$(date +%s.%N)
sudo iwconfig $scanning_card essid 'HTC network'
end_handover=$(date +%s.%N)
time_delay=$(echo "$end_handover - $start_handover" | bc)
echo "Handover time delay is $time_delay nanoseconds"
# sudo dhclient $WLAN0
sudo dhclient $connected_card
# sudo ip addr add dev $scanning_card
sudo ping -c4 #ping command to check the connection
echo "line 64"
#sudo ip link set down $connected_card
sudo dhclient -r $connected_card
sudo ip link set up $connected_card


#!/bin/sh -ux

echo "This script control the wireless interface during handover"

sleep 2

echo "Starting wireless interface one"
sleep 2
sudo ip link set $connected_card down
sudo dhclient -r $connected_card
sudo ip link set $connected_card up

echo "$connected_card is scanning the network"
sudo iwconfig $connected_card | grep level
echo "line 19"
#echo "Connecting $connected_card to a network with highest signal "$ACCESS_POINT_HIGHSIG1

# will replace the above command for test
#sudo iw $connected_card connect 'HTC network'
sudo iwconfig $connected_card essid 'HTC network'
echo "$connected_card is connected"
# connected_card=$WLAN0
echo "$connected_card is getting an ip address"
sudo dhclient $connected_card

#sudo ip addr add dev $connected_card
echo "Now trying to ping this might take some time"
sudo ping -c4 #ping command to check the connection

sleep 2
echo "Starting the wireless interface $scanning_card"
sudo ifconfig $scanning_card up
sudo ip link set $scanning_card up
# scanning_card=$WLAN1
ROAMING_THRESHOLD_WLAN1=40/100 # placing a roaming threshold or trigger for handover

ROAMING_THRESHOLD_WLAN0=`awk 'BEGIN{printf("%0.2f", 20/70 )}'`

while [ 1 ]
#scanning for access point with better signal

access_point_highest_sig=`sudo iwlist $scanning_card scan | egrep 'ESSID|Quality' | sort -r | grep ESSID | head -1 | cut -f2 -d:`

scanning_card_signal_quality=`sudo iwlist $scanning_card scan | grep 'Quality' | sort -m | head -1 | awk '{print $1}' | cut -f2 -d=`

connected_card_signal_quality=`sudo iwlist $connected_card scan | grep 'Quality' | sort -m | head -1 | awk '{print $1}' | cut -f2 -d=`

scanning_card_signal_quality=`awk 'BEGIN{printf("%0.2f", '$scanning_card_signal_quality' )}'`
connected_card_signal_quality=`awk 'BEGIN{printf("%0.2f", '$connected_card_signal_quality' )}'`

# display access point with better signal and the access point itself
echo "$scanning_card signal quality $scanning_card_signal_quality is scanning"
echo "$connected_card signal quality $connected_card_signal_quality is connected"
echo "Access point returned by wlan1 with highest signal $access_point_highest_sig"
# sleep 3

echo "$scanning_card_signal_quality $ROAMING_THRESHOLD_WLAN0 $connected_card_signal_quality" | awk '{if (($1 > $2) && ($3 < $2)) {'
echo "Starting handover from $connected_card to $scanning_card"
start_handover=$(date +%s.%N)
sudo iwconfig $scanning_card essid 'HTC network'
end_handover=$(date +%s.%N)
time_delay=$(echo "$end_handover - $start_handover" | bc)
echo "Handover time delay is $time_delay nanoseconds"
# sudo dhclient $WLAN0
sudo dhclient $connected_card
# sudo ip addr add dev $scanning_card
sudo ping -c4 #ping command to check the connection
echo "line 64"
#sudo ip link set down $connected_card
sudo dhclient -r $connected_card
sudo ip link set up $connected_card


acid_kewpie 04-08-2012 07:39 AM

why have you posted all of that crap when it's clearly an error in the awk command?


awk '{if (($1 > $2) && ($3 < $2)) {'
that is an *entire* awk script, and clearly an illegal one, as the is indeed no matching } at the end. It looks like you expect the one about 10 lines later to magically work, but it won't, as it's 10 entire bash commands away.

If sounds like you're trying to use awk to make an "if then else" statement outside of it's own scope or something... very odd. Remove the awk and do it with proper bash instead.

David the H. 04-08-2012 10:49 AM

Useful post questions should include only details relevant to your problem, not just a giant dump of everything you have.

Nobody wants to take the time to read through a mess of text to locate your errors for you, so take some time to cut it down to the section or commands that relate directly to the problem at hand. Who knows, you might discover where you went wrong in the process on your own while you're at it.

Please read How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, for more tips on how to get the most out of help forums like this.

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