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Old 11-30-2004, 07:15 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2004
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Authenticating from Linux to Windows workstation

I actually have a couple of related questions. First of all I am running Fedora Core 2, Windows 2000 Pro, Windows XP on seperate machines and have one machine that has a different version of linux on it every other week (4 machines). I want to be able to share files back and forth between the machines. Linux to Linux is no problem, and Windows to Windows is no problem. I have Samba set up on the FC2 machine and it works fine except for the fact that if I reboot the machine I have to go in and reset the Workgroup portion for the machine, then I can see it from Windows. I have problems getting to the Windows machine from the FC2 machine. Some versions of Linux (Xandros, Lycoris) will give a Windows style pop up box asking for authentication, FC2 does not.

How can I authenticate as a different user from FC2 to a Windows machine without setting up a domain controller?

Is there a way to map a drive like in Windows?
(net use \\machine\share /u:machine\user password)

And finally,
If I do set up a DC and go through the process of joining FC2 to the domain, how can I log on to FC2 locally without it looking for domain authentication (LDAP or Kerberos) ?

Old 12-01-2004, 12:12 AM   #2
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Re: Authenticating from Linux to Windows workstation

Originally posted by jasfo
I have Samba set up on the FC2 machine and it works fine except for the fact that if I reboot the machine I have to go in and reset the Workgroup portion for the machine, then I can see it from Windows.
chkconfig --level 2345 samba on (or something like that)


How can I authenticate as a different user from FC2 to a Windows machine without setting up a domain controller?

Is there a way to map a drive like in Windows?
(net use \\machine\share /u:machine\user password)
man smbclient and man smbmount (mount -t smbfs)


And finally,
If I do set up a DC and go through the process of joining FC2 to the domain, how can I log on to FC2 locally without it looking for domain authentication (LDAP or Kerberos) ?
Like you always do. Linux will use local passwd/shadow files unless instructed to do otherwise.

P.S.. Use the Linux Samba box for DC, just because you can


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