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Old 07-31-2001, 07:14 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Taiwan (ex-Victoria BC)
Distribution: RH 9.0
Posts: 126

Rep: Reputation: 15
arrrgh, what the ?

Ok, I probably don't deserve anyone's help for this sort of stupid situation, but I'm asking anyway.

When I installed RH 7.1 I set up ssh, shut off telnet etc. About a week ago I logged in from another city just fine, and I was snooping around and I pico'd a file (and darn it, I can't remember which file.... ). The connection then sort of hung, I couldn't do anything with the term window, so I just Alt-F4'd it.

Now I can't connect remotely at all. Doing a port scan tells me that port 22 is closed, even though I know that sshd is running.

Could anyone tell me where to look that might tell me what is going on? Even though it is 7.1, I'm running ipchains (not iptables).
Old 08-01-2001, 04:02 AM   #2
Registered: May 2001
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if the connection hung while editing, there should be a pico tempfile floating around w/o the last changes saved... search for it.
if it aint, then u gotta work ure way tru
- sshd, cat the sshd.log (if any) and look for failed starts and/or failed logins, or start it manually and see if it *really* comes up, sshd configs, see if ure allowed login by account (or *), IP or range, also check for options that disallow other type of identification methods (like when u havent got the identity added remotely)
- (x)inetd.conf and tcpwrappers' hosts.deny/allow if running sshd tru (x)inetd
- ipchains/temporary rules added by some IDS
- the account itself, is it enabled etc (hope ure not logging in as root)


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