I have been reading for thread related to this one, but aparently I dont been able to find a solution... :S.
OK, I have SUSE 10, it have installed Apache2, and I was trying to make virtual host, but I read that they need REAL DNS names from the source that Im following.
I have been experimenting:
start-> system-> YaST control -> net devices -> NET device (is a ethernet card... perhaps not correct translation):
I have a static IP 192.168.254. 10 (for my PC, say
PC1) but I also have added EXTRA IPs for the ethernet card with the option "advanced": 192.168.254. 11, 192.168.254. 12, and 192.168.254. 13, with the respectice alias: a11, a12, a13.
The router have a range of DHCP for dinamic numbers inside the LAN, those previous numbers are outside such range.
start-> system-> YaST control -> net services -> names of PC (perhaps not correct translation):
I can add names for those new IPs, like once (192.168.254. 11), doce (192.168.254. 12), trece (192.168.254. 13), and if I write in my browser one of them
once, doce or trece they work OK. I have other computer here (say
PC2), if I try access
once, doce or trece from that computer, the pages are not displayed... and that I have understoo that is because PC2 dosent know the names that I have gived in PC1 for thos names, and yes, I can access the direct addresses (192.168.254. 11, 192.168.254. 12, and 192.168.254. 13) from PC2 that are catched(?) in the LAN by the extra IPs assignated to the ethernet card.
I delete such names in PC1, I cant no longer access those numbers with the names... and that is good (no more name assigned locally to those LAN IPs), is like the behaviour ofPC2 that
dosent know or have a name for the IP.
Now, what is the problem if I can access my server from the LAN with direct numbers and with names in the PC1?, the point is that I whant to use selfhost.com for my dynamic DNS and be able to access my PC from outside worl.
Before I will say how I enter to access the configuration page of my router (a speed stream 5200).
I type in my browser: (I guess that is the LAN IP of the configuration page inside the router hardware/software), it request login info, I type user and pass, and all is OK.
It is configured like a router.
Tought the two computers PC1 and PC2 that are connected have static IP (LAN) configuration, I have set the router for have a DHCP range for serve if sometime-someday another PC is connected.
Now, I after add, the router in the
Current Port Forwarding Configuration have with others:
TCP 8080 192.168.254. 10
I also have been in
start-> system-> YaST control ->users and security -> firewall and have opened at the external 8080.
I have finded trought a question here this page:
http://www.dslwebserver.com/ and I have used the tools there
IRC Port 7000 Unable to detect server on this port.
Alt HTTP Port 8080 Server detected and it is publicly accessible. Your ISP is not blocking port 8080.**
All other ports including the default 80 is blocked.
And that is OK.
However, when I setup my account at selfhost.com, when opening myaccount.selfhost.com, it redirect me to my public address (WAN) and therefore to the configuration page of my router

If I type myaccount.selfhost.com:8080 (because the default that I guess is where selfhost send the request @80 port), there is a message that say "request connection refused".
Hope you have the idea of what is happening, see that I have the port forward 8080 to 192.168.254. 10 and I also have opened the port in the software firewall of SUSE, also
http://www.myserver.org/portsniff.asp is able to say that there is 8080 opened.
From dslwebserver, I have finded other page
http://www.dnsstuff.com/ I have made a trace (tought I dont know what exactly is I get the idea), and say me at the end of analysis:
Tought it dont let me enter myaccount.selfhost.com:80 or myaccount.selfhost.com:8080 it will acept myaccount.selfhost.com (see that is not my page.. :P)
Number of hops: 17
Last hop responding to ICMP: 12, UDP: 12, TCP: 13.
There appears to be a firewall at MY_PUBLIC_IP (hop 13) that blocks ICMP (ping) packets.
There appears to be a firewall at MY_PUBLIC_IP (hop 13) that blocks unwanted UDP packets.
There appears to be a firewall at (hop 14) that blocks unwanted TCP packets.
MY_PUBLIC_IP is the same IP that I obtain from:
I also put here the output of a little program that I do for dump some etc files (if you whant the dump of other file say me), the code of my little program is at end.
Finala thing, I run apache like: /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -f /apache_start/httpd.conf -k restart Im following this tutorial:
###############STARTING DUMP OF SOME /etc/ files###############
order hosts, bind
multi on
/--=====[/etc/hosts] localhost
::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback
fe00::0 ipv6-localnet
ff00::0 ipv6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ipv6-allnodes
ff02::2 ipv6-allrouters
ff02::3 ipv6-allhosts
http-rman : ALL EXCEPT LOCAL
/--=====[/etc/hosts.YaST2save] localhost
::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback
fe00::0 ipv6-localnet
ff00::0 ipv6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ipv6-allnodes
ff02::2 ipv6-allrouters
ff02::3 ipv6-allhosts obp.selfhost.com once doce trece
###############STARTING DUMP OF SOME apache CONF ###############
Listen 8080
User my_user
Group users_users
ServerRoot /apache_start/sites
Options None
NameVirtualHost *
ServerName obp.selfhost.com
DocumentRoot /apache_start/sites/uno
ServerName once
DocumentRoot /apache_start/sites/uno
ServerName doce
DocumentRoot /apache_start/sites/dos
ServerName trece
DocumentRoot /apache_start/sites/tres
LoadModule mime_module /usr/lib/apache2-prefork/mod_mime.so
TypesConfig /etc/apache2/mime.types
DefaultType text/plain
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char *etcDir = "/etc/";
char *etcFiles[] = { "host.conf", "HOSTNAME", "hosts","hosts.allow", "hosts.deny", "hosts.equiv", "hosts.lpd", "hosts.YaST2save", "\0"};
char *apacheConfDir = "/apache_start/";
char *apacheConfFiles[] = {"httpd.conf", "\0"};
#define MAX_BUFFER 1024
int main(int argCount, char *argStringList[]){
int i=0, lenOfCurDir=0;
char fString[MAX_BUFFER*2];
lenOfCurDir= strlen(etcDir);
system("clear");printf("\n\n\n###############STARTING DUMP OF SOME /etc/ files###############\n\n\n");
while( strlen(etcFiles[i]) != 0){
sprintf(fString, "\n/--=====[%s%s]\n", etcDir, etcFiles[i]);
sprintf(fString, "cat %s%s| grep \"#\" -v", etcDir, etcFiles[i]);
sprintf(fString, "\n\\--=====[%s%s]\n", etcDir, etcFiles[i]);
printf("\n\n\n###############STARTING DUMP OF SOME apache CONF ###############\n\n\n");
i = 0;
while( strlen(apacheConfFiles[i]) != 0){
sprintf(fString, "\n/--=====[%s%s]\n", apacheConfDir, apacheConfFiles[i]);
sprintf(fString, "cat %s%s| grep \"#\" -v", apacheConfDir, apacheConfFiles[i]);
sprintf(fString, "\n\\--=====[%s%s]\n", apacheConfDir, apacheConfFiles[i]);
return 0;
Hope you dont mind about the large post

I have watched that when myuser.selfhost.com is redirecting me to the public IP if I hit escape in the log form, then here is what Im able to see... and I see that the server is
NetPort Software 1.1 wich mean that is the http server of the router... :S, and not Apache or some like that the ones that is answering...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: NetPort Software 1.1
Content-type: text/html
Have a nice day or night.