Analog and Apache configuration
I'm having some trouble getting Analog to see my apache log files. I've tried a few different things like setting the log format in analog. I still can't get it to work.
This is the part of analog.conf I've altered:
# If you need a LOGFORMAT command (most people don't -- try it without first!),
# it must go here, above the LOGFILE commands.
APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{UserAgent}i\"")
LOGFILE /var/log/apache/access_log
# LOGFILE /old/logs/access_log.*
OUTFILE /home/simon/apache/log
And this is the anlghead.h
/*** These settings are overridden by any in your configuration file. ***/
#ifndef ANLGHEAD_H
#define ANLGHEAD_H
#ifndef HOSTNAME
#define HOSTNAME "oliverroad"
/* The name of your organisation or web server. This is used for printing
at the top of the output. */
#ifndef HOSTURL
#define HOSTURL ""
/* The URL of your host's home page, for linking to at the top of the
output; use "none" for no linking. */
#ifndef LOGFILE
#define LOGFILE "/var/log/apache/access_log"
/* The name of the default logfile. Can be a list, separated by commas
(but no spaces), and can include wild cards. */
#ifndef OUTFILE
#define OUTFILE "/home/simon/apache/log"
/* The default file for output. Use "stdout" for stdout. */
#ifndef IMAGEDIR
#define IMAGEDIR "/home/simon/downloads/analog-6.0/images/"
/* URL of the directory where the images for the graphical reports live.
The URL can be absolute, or relative to the output page: e.g., just the
empty string "" for the same directory as the output page. */
#ifndef LOGO
#define LOGO "/home/simon/downloads/analog-6.0/images/"
/* the file where the analog logo lives: within the IMAGEDIR unless it
starts with / or contains :// . You can put another logo in here (your
organisation's logo, for example -- but if you do, change the LOGOURL
below too). Use "none" for no logo. */
#ifndef LOGOURL
#define LOGOURL ""
/* Where the logo links to, in XHTML output. */
I'm not sure if I need to change anything in apache/httpd.conf.
Any help appreciated.