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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 09-29-2001, 10:15 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: GD, GZ, China
Posts: 240

Rep: Reputation: 30
All service don't work!

Hello all,
I have two computers connected to each other. An I have made the proper settings according to the manual. Moreover, I success to ping the computer from the other one. What strange is that it reports "Connection refused" while using ftp host1 or ftp hosts2.
On the other hand, it reports the same error while using telnet, ssh, rsh.

Please help! Must I set something myself to enable the two-computers network work? Thanks
Old 09-29-2001, 12:56 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2001
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you have enabled the servers for rsh, telnet, ftp etc.. on each box haven't you? if the servers are working, there should be absolutely no reason they won't work at some level, assuming there's no firewalls or anything
Old 09-30-2001, 06:11 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: GD, GZ, China
Posts: 240

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Rep: Reputation: 30
The services really don't work!

Hello all,
I don't know why, but the services mentioned above really don't work. e.g. When I run ssh (I ensure the sshd has already running)
to remote login myself (i.e ssh localhost), it works. But if I run ssh to the remote host, it reports "Connection refused". Someone tells me it may be caused by tcp_wrappers or network filters such as ipfwadm, ipchains, iptables, ipfw etc. I have no idea of that. Please tell me how to check if there exists a firewall? How to disable the firewall? Thanks


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