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Old 01-03-2002, 01:11 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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@Home Cable problems

I am currently splitting one cable connection into 2 using a router and a hub. The basic layout is:

-> PC2

Now as most of you may know @home was "defeated" to some degree and the individual companies were forced to make their users switch their e-mails to @rogers or @shaw rather than @home.

The problem with my current setup is that it does not connect out because the connection is shared. So for POP mail my server info is or something like that. With the transition my ISP said to make the POP Server POP but that wont work on either PC.

Just last week I got a new PC and I am turning my old PC into a Linux Box probably with Mandrake. Is there a way that I can switch to an @rogers e-mail using the server. I was thinking that all e-mail can be downloaded on the server and sent to the respective users. Is this possible with Mandrake or possible at all for that fact?

(Sorry I'm a newbie to Linux with tons of questions)
Old 01-03-2002, 01:50 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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yeah usually when connected directly, just the pop will work in cable modem email settings... but they usually have the full name as well, i did support once and usually they won't tell you the full pop or smtp name unless you ask them, try to call them and tell them you need the offsite pop and smtp address.. they should be able to give you one.. lie and say your traveling...
or you try to connect one pc directly, get it connected, if it connects to the pop, try to ping or tracert it, it should give a full address instead of just pop then..
Old 01-03-2002, 01:56 AM   #3
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And then..

And then do I just enter the info from the ISP or whatever is in the tracert in the pop/smtp info in the e-mail client?

Ok so I connect one PC directly to the cable, then run tracert pop and then which entry do I use for the e-mail?

and then I do the same thing for tracert smtp and then VOILA I'm done?

Old 01-03-2002, 11:45 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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yeah.. just get the server info it prints off tracert or ping.. it should get the full pop and smtp address of the server.. then use those to put in for your settings.. and if that doesn't work, call them and ask them..
Old 01-03-2002, 02:39 PM   #5
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Thanx I'll try that Do you have ICQ or MSN? I have some other small questions that I'd like to ask you in realtime messaging

Old 01-03-2002, 03:37 PM   #6
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Ok I called them and they said "... at this time we do not offer remote access" It sounded like he was reading from a script if you ask me

Im going to try tracert now

Old 01-04-2002, 08:45 PM   #7
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Tell me about it, each time i call them for help the people sound like robots.
Old 01-04-2002, 09:35 PM   #8
LQ Guru
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they probably were reading from a script.. they have scripts for call center help desks like that. oh well, yeah, my msn is, what's yours and i will add you so i see you next time.
Old 01-05-2002, 02:00 AM   #9
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I hate these tech suport lines and Im not sure why but I cant hook the cable in directly. It just doesn't work. The IP in winipcfg is correct but I cannot connect to any websites

My MSN is

Old 01-08-2002, 05:30 PM   #10
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Well i'm finally back online. PHUKEN ATT broadband pulled the plug becuase "i didnt pay my bill".

Here is what happened, i got a bill for $159 for ATT, when normally its 102 combined (TV & INTERNET), my mom tried calling them the same day but she was on hold for like an hour and was already late to work so she didnt take care of it that day but she sent out $55 just as a colladeral for it, the next day my internet is GONE. I called them up and they said my account is void becuase i didnt pay my bill. My mom explained how they gave her the wrong bill somehow and they acted stupid and said that they dont know what happened. I told them to turn on the net' in the meantime and they refused saying that they need to recieve the money first. And even if they do it will take "4 days for processing". WTF???? i called back and this guy said it would be effective immediatly. AT&T really needs to work on their tech support!
Old 01-08-2002, 06:39 PM   #11
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Originally posted by Kontesto
I hate these tech suport lines and Im not sure why but I cant hook the cable in directly. It just doesn't work. The IP in winipcfg is correct but I cannot connect to any websites

My MSN is

Any ideas with what to do here?
Old 01-08-2002, 08:27 PM   #12
LQ Guru
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you probably can't connect directly due to the mac address of the nic or router.. sometimes they register the mac address on their servers so you can't switch around nics unless calling them to reprovision your mac address of your nic... sometimes you can try to cut power to the cable modem for a few minutes and then plug back in with your connection to your new nic to see if it gets connectivity that way.
Old 01-09-2002, 06:33 PM   #13
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They finally emailed me back with the offsite addyy's going to go try them now.

Old 01-09-2002, 06:47 PM   #14
LQ Guru
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hope it works out for you.. good luck.
Old 01-09-2002, 07:26 PM   #15
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Now when the server is up and running will they connect the same way?



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