Originally Posted by NickT14
I had the same error which was due to a trailing space on the username. Testing with and without a trailing space I saw the "Response: 331 User username OK. Password required." in my packet capture; however, no joy passing the username with a trailing space.
This issue is OPEN already, because its a firemware-bug. Commonly mailservers are using anti-spam-rules i.e. deny with »504 5.5.2 <KM9F1FC>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname;« .
The problem is now, that Kyocera allows ONLY alphanumerics and digits in the hostname-field. Therfore you cannot connect to a secure mailserver.
Ok. Next try. Let him connect/authenticate via SSL/TLS. The Problem here is that Kyocera ONLY supports POP protocol and nothing else.
Eventually you decide yourself whether or not to handle with care over the internet.
For me its clear, I give this ****-product back immediately.