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beratguneri 02-01-2007 11:39 AM

unistall kubuntu
i have kubuntu installed on my hp laptop but my younger brother wants have xp, så i tried install xp.i put xp cd restarted it begins load then it says there is no hardisk installed on laptop
i partition with gparted a partiton with ntfs file format but xp cant find the harddrive please somebody help me i just want install xp then ill install kubuntu again dual boot.
Please somebody help me!!!!!!!

Mega Man X 02-01-2007 11:45 AM

If it can't find any harddisk, it has really nothing to do with the fact that you've installed Kubuntu. The problem here is that Windows needs drivers to be able to detect the harddrive. I have one PC with SATA disk where I have to use floppies when installing Windows (I think you will get a message as "press F6 to install third part drivers"). Your best solution should be to check if drivers are available for your laptop on the manufactor's homepage. If you can't find any drivers, contact the support.

Alternatively, you could play around with your BIOS and see if you can set the HD to something else. Just remember that... if you don't know what you are doing, simply don't do it...

beratguneri 02-01-2007 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mega Man X
If it can't find any harddisk, it has really nothing to do with the fact that you've installed Kubuntu. The problem here is that Windows needs drivers to be able to detect the harddrive. I have one PC with SATA disk where I have to use floppies when installing Windows (I think you will get a message as "press F6 to install third part drivers"). Your best solution should be to check if drivers are available for your laptop on the manufactor's homepage. If you can't find any drivers, contact the support.

Alternatively, you could play around with your BIOS and see if you can set the HD to something else. Just remember that... if you don't know what you are doing, simply don't do it...

name of harddrive is ata fujitsu MHV2080b and idont have floppy on this laptop ill be crazy soon.....

Quakeboy02 02-01-2007 02:18 PM

Microsoft can have some rather strange ideas sometimes. Have you tried booting a livecd and then removing all partitions from the harddrive?

netstrider 02-01-2007 02:38 PM

Actually had such a type of problem with my dad's old laptop when I tried installing Linux onto it. I had to read up on so many pages and I ended up heading to Compaq and downloading some software that had to be written to a floppy for the Compaq Armada 1750 or something and then I had to boot that to get into the BIOS. Even after that it was a mission to save my settings and reset everything etc...

Unfortunately I can't help you with your HDD problem but I'm sure there is some :study: about it somewhere... ;)

Jinto 03-04-2008 11:46 PM

This is pretty much exactly the same problem that i have except i am helping a friend with his laptop. I am more familar with desktops so i didn't want to take it apart it runs fine boots up and everything with usb knoppix. and knoppix reconizes that there is a harddrive there and i tried formating it to make my windows disk to find it but nothing. so now i am trying to figure out what is going at first i was thinking maybe its broken but knoppix is able to find it and format it so that is out of the question so then i am lead to bleave that maybe it needs some sata driver but i don't really know what that so i started searching the internet and came here. If anybody has any ideas i would really appericate it.oh i can't give you any information about the laptop cause it has all the stickers except luckly the windows xp disk so i am not too sure on what the exact model is but it has 4 usb ports 512 ram , 1 disk drive not too sure if its cd/dvd+r-r or not but one of those it also has an ASA fujitsu MHV2080B harddrive. and right now i am using "Darik's Boot and Nuke 1.0.7 and am running it off a live disk right now to wipe the HDD compleatly oh yeah also its a gateway and no serial number

bumjubeo 03-11-2008 01:25 AM

Have you tried booting to the xp cd, and then going into the recovery console and running the command fixmbr?

bumjubeo 03-11-2008 01:27 AM

Double Post, my bad.

Jinto 03-12-2008 11:11 PM

I tried that but it just tells me that it can't find any harddrives so this is starting to make me angry:mad:
but oh well i just need to apparently find a format tool and then i might find it or maybe mess with settings but it won't let me change the bios settings for the harddrive and stuff kinda wierd i donno any ideas are welcome

jimbronaugh 03-13-2008 01:31 AM

Windows demands the first segment on the hard drive. if there is an operating system on the hdd
windows cannot find a starting point. It is purposeful. MS does not want a double boot system, only windows.

Backup your files. Fdisk or Gdisk your hard drive and load windows. Linux does not need the first segment and will very gently take a place on the hard drive while giving you an option on startup to either boot windows or linux.

Your must copy your files to a cd or an external hard drive,or you will lose them,(found it out the hard way). Windows must go on first. Linux will work around it.

Jinto 03-14-2008 11:42 PM

i already know that but thx for the info anyways what i need is if anybody knows of a way to get the drivers for a ASA fujitsu MHV2080B harddrive cause withought it windows apparently dosn't see anything and is as blind as brick wall. I already compleatly wiped the harddrive in case there was a virus but still nothing

esm_menc 03-15-2008 01:48 AM

Install XP in kUnuntu using vbox or qemu...

Originally Posted by beratguneri (Post 2611869)
i have kubuntu installed on my hp laptop but my younger brother wants have xp, så i tried install xp.i put xp cd restarted it begins load then it says there is no hardisk installed on laptop
i partition with gparted a partiton with ntfs file format but xp cant find the harddrive please somebody help me i just want install xp then ill install kubuntu again dual boot.
Please somebody help me!!!!!!!

I satisfied my wife by installing XP inside kUbuntu using vBox Then I tried qemu using accelerator for qemu (best i used was vmware w/ temp full license.)
The choice for program was; save xp document on usb disk for her. so check it out.

esm_menc 03-15-2008 01:54 AM

does your pc/laptop boot with a liveCD-DVD? if so does it see or let you mount the drive?

Jinto 03-16-2008 03:05 PM

yeah i can use a live cd and it reconizes that there is an hd there i wanna do a final test to see if i can install knoppix on there but havn't had the time as of late. will get back to here when i get the time

AceofSpades19 03-16-2008 05:07 PM

Windows xp doesn't like ext3 partitions on the drive, you have to delete all the partitions and then it will install

Jinto 03-18-2008 10:31 PM

yeah this i already tried i compleatly wiped the hd so nothing was even on it but i think that it might be the harddrive itself that it finally had died so i gonna just give up on it and see if my friend will buy a new HD

esm_menc 03-27-2008 04:14 AM

No he said xp can't SEE his hard drive at all. that means it is a XP driver issue.

So he needs to get the driver from gateway (cringe) and some how f6 it?

The driver in for xp to see the ide-channel and then the drive.

He needs IDE-drivers not hard disk drivers. question is, how does he get it in with no floppy? does he have a usb floppy disk so xp can see it?

BTW- iv'e installed xp sp1 and sp2 with no problems having existing ext2/3 partitions.
usually it just complains about lack of free space and which if not all partitions to delete.
There has to be a gateway model somewhere guy... find it and we can help you.

stop partitioning/reformatting your hard drive, please, it has nothing to do with the problem. you just make the drive confused to the point it no longer boots/works.

I promise to check back tomorrow to finish helping with this.
-note xp has built in usb/floppy drivers! unless you have some hacked/slimmed down version of XP. ie; certain drivers removed?.. do you have the gateway recovery cd?

--note 2; run the newer liveCD you can lspci for us and post it so we can find the driver for you? =:< -eman

esm_menc 03-27-2008 04:19 AM

It's not a bad hard drive! don't give up on it! If linux can SEE it, that means it's good.
think of xp as an old linux or even win95 on newer hardware! you just need the driver! *(NO money required!). Don't Give Up!

biophysics 03-28-2008 05:03 PM

Can you try another windows CD. I think perhaps the CD has some damage and it did not load proper drivers.

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