First you need to start linux from a boot floppy or CD and mount your partition with the /etc subdirectory.
* Once in a command line, you need to create a directory ( call it hda for ease ). To create the directory ' mkdir hda ' (The ' ' are not part of the command).
* Now mount it with the following ' mount /dev/hda* /hda ' ( The * is the partition that contains the /etc subdirectory.
* Next go into the mounted partition by doing ' cd hda ' then ' cd etc '.
* Now you will need to edit modules.conf file ' pico modules.conf '. Add the # character infront of your firewire and USB modules Example:
alias eth0 3c59x
alias eth1 3c59x
alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
# alias usb-controller usb-ohci
# alias firewire ohci1394
* When done editing hit ' ctrl-x ' hit y to save and exit. You can issue the pico command and verify the change.
* Now ' cd / ' hit enter and ' umount hda '
If all is boots up fine you can reenable your usb modules and see if it starts with that configuration.
If you have problems with PCMCIA check this one out.
Hope this helps you out