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uposer111 11-21-2007 06:42 AM

Linux on brand new HP
Im having some trouble using a Live CD of Backtrack 2 which is based from slackware but not SLAx as such. The laptop starts to load linux and when it come to the part where i have to "startx" it fails. I was told that i would have to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, but im not sure what to edit it to.

Heres my system info.

Here is the error that im having. This live CD works on my desktop and ive tried more lives CD's on my laptop so it has to be the configuration.


(EE) VESA(0): No Matching modes
(EE) Screens(s) found, but none have usable configuration.

Fatal server error:
No screens found

Here is some of the info from my xorg.conf file.


Section "Screen"

Identifier "Screen1"
Device "VESA Framebuffer"
Monitor "My Monitor

# If your card cant handle it, a higher by default color depth (like 24 or 32)
# is highly recommended

# DefaultDepth 8
# DefaultDepth 16
DefaultDepth 24
#DefaultDepth 32

# "1024x768" is also a conservative usable default resolution. If you
# have a better monitor, feel free to try resolutions such as
# "1152x864", "1280x1024", "1600x1200", and "1800x1400" (or whatever your card/monitor can produce)

Subsection "Display"
Depth 8
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Subsection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Subsection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Subsection "Display"
Depth 32
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

EndSubsection Section "ServerLayout"

Identifier "Simple Layout"
Screen "Screen 1"
InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
inputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"


Section "Monitor"
Identifier "My Monitor"
HorizSync 31.5-150.0
VertRefresh 75-85


Your help in apreciated,

KrahnacK 11-21-2007 08:20 AM


Section "Screen"

Identifier "Screen1"
Device "VESA Framebuffer"
Monitor "My Monitor

may come from the missing " character at the end of the monitor line, in your sreen section?
otherwise it's kinda strange...vesa driver should accept all the resolutions you pass to it

see you've got an ati card, if the above doesn't work, may be you could try the ati driver instead of the vesa (but it shouldn't be more stable)

uposer111 11-21-2007 06:11 PM

The missing " character was my typo. I wish it would be that easy. So you suggest i replace "VESA Framebuffer" with "Ati" ?

Thanks for your help,


KrahnacK 11-22-2007 06:19 AM

may be before trying that, you could change your Monitor section to this ?


Section "Monitor"
Identifier "My Monitor"


ie without refresh frequencies (in order to be the less restrictive we can)
also, can you post your Device section (or anywhere you defined your video card in your xorg.conf) ?

uposer111 11-22-2007 06:05 PM

No where in the my xorg.conf does it list my actual video card. I also tried commenting the vertrefresh and horizrefresh and it still says that i have no usable configurations.


KrahnacK 11-23-2007 02:18 AM

alright, may be you should try to add a section to your xorg.conf :

Section "Device"
    Identifier "VESA Framebuffer"
    Driver "vesa"
    BusID          "PCI:1:0:0"

note that you may update my BusID value with what you see in

here's what it says for me (the BusID is at the beginning of the line):

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 420] (rev a3)
for this device to be used, its Identifier must be the same as the one referenced in the Screen section.

don't forget to make a backup before any change, just in case...

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