Im running a Sony Vaio 1.6GHz laptop (PCG-GRX500P) that I just installed RH9 on. The kernel is version 2.4.20-8. APM is installed, and I can see it on my taskbar except there is one problem:
It never shows when Im on battery! Im 'permanently' plugged in, according to the module. This is
definitely not the power management Im looking for!
When I apm -v, I get the following results:
[iseff@bezos iseff]$ apm -v
APM BIOS 1.2 (kernel driver 1.16)
AC on-line, no system battery
Is there anything I can do to change this? Im sure its hidden in a config file somewhere that I need to get at, but I just can't figure out which.
[edit]I also feel like the battery is only lasting like a half hour in Linux, compared to what it used to last (around 2hours30min) in WinXP.[/edit]