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Linux - Laptop and Netbook Having a problem installing or configuring Linux on your laptop? Need help running Linux on your netbook? This forum is for you. This forum is for any topics relating to Linux and either traditional laptops or netbooks (such as the Asus EEE PC, Everex CloudBook or MSI Wind).


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Old 05-11-2005, 09:38 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2005
Location: Orlando, FL
Distribution: SUSE Linux 9.3
Posts: 1

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Unhappy How can I get an external mouse working on my laptop with SUSE 9.3?

I recently installed SUSE 9.3 on my HP Pavilion ZV5000. It already has a touchpad that SUSE configured correctly but I would also like to use an external Generic USB mouse. When I plug it in I see it correctly identified in the /etc/messages but I can not use it even if I disable the touchpad. I tried using YaST to force it to a USB mouse and even reboot but only the touchpad works.

Any ideas?

Thanks :-)
Old 05-12-2005, 04:03 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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My HP laptop is a different model, however, I am able to plug in a USB mouse and use it. Perhaps you should give us details on the mouse model, and the section of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that deals with the mouse.


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