Help with Dell TrueMobile 1100 wlan adapter on Dell inspiron 8200 with suse8.1
Hi All
I know you must have seen this kind of question thousands of times.. I went through all the threads and info on the web but could nt get my wlan adapter running. My system config is
Dell Inspiron 8200 with pentium 4
OS: Suse 8.1 professional
Internet connection: Cable modem connected to SMC7004VWBR wireless router
I have tried all the possible suggestions given on the net but couldnt get it to work. The system is recognizing my PCMCIA Wlan card from the two beeps during the boot process. Also its getting an IP address allocated by DHCP. I am able to ping to the wireless router. But, when I ping it to cnn or any other external site it says
"ping: unknown host "cnns url""
I tried configuring the regular ethernet and it works fine. I have also tried varios options in network.opts, /etc/pcmcia files but of no use.
#cardcntl ident
Socket 0:
no product info available
Socket 1:
product info: "Aironet", "PC4800"
manfid: 0x015f, 0x0007
function: 6 (network)
# tail -f /var/log/messages show the cardmanager recognizes the wlan card and loads the airo_cs module.
can somebody help me with this thing.