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Linux - Laptop and Netbook Having a problem installing or configuring Linux on your laptop? Need help running Linux on your netbook? This forum is for you. This forum is for any topics relating to Linux and either traditional laptops or netbooks (such as the Asus EEE PC, Everex CloudBook or MSI Wind).


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Old 01-08-2008, 05:34 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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distro for old pavilion laptop

Hi. I am trying to install a linux distro on an old HP Pavilion N5440 alongside Windows XP. Does anyone know for sure of a recent distro which will install on this laptop? (or have experience of installing a distro on something similar). I have tried some recent Ubuntus, but they don't install, and I don't really have time to sort out why: I would rather use a different distro if it would work 'out of the box'.
Old 01-08-2008, 09:51 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Here's a link of some archived install reviews on that laptop. I just glanced at one of them and it looks like they used an old version of Mandrake. So I would try Mandriva or PCLinux OS.

How much RAM is in the machine? That may prohibit a full install of either of those. For old machines, I typically use Debian and install a base install (command line only) then apt-get install X, a lightweight window manager (like XFCE, Icewm, etc), and lightweight applications...


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