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Linux - Laptop and Netbook Having a problem installing or configuring Linux on your laptop? Need help running Linux on your netbook? This forum is for you. This forum is for any topics relating to Linux and either traditional laptops or netbooks (such as the Asus EEE PC, Everex CloudBook or MSI Wind).


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Old 05-05-2004, 12:18 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 13

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Compaq Presario 2100 Wireless problem

I've had problems getting my pcmcia card to work in linux. I have a compaq presario 2100 (i wish i never bought it). I'm now running a Mandrake 10 official edition. I have am MN-520 Microsoft Wireless card. I've found from my search that i have to add some lines to the /etc/pcmcia/config at the place where it says #wireless, here's what i added:

card "Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter MN-520 1.0.3"
version "Microsoft", "Wireless Notebook Adapter MN-520", "", "1.0.3"
bind "orinoco_cs"

when i restart mandrake, it freezes right when it checks on pcmcia on startup. is anyone facing this problem? I'd really appreciate any help
Old 05-05-2004, 09:47 AM   #2
Marty McFly
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
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I just recently purchased a Presario 2100. What do you not like about it?

I was thinking about installing Mandrake 10, I haven't yet. Have you had any other issues besides the pc card? I have the broadcom wireless built in, I know there is issues with that and Linux in general.
Old 05-05-2004, 12:56 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2004
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I use Fedora Core and seem to have problems with my wireless connection.
Old 05-06-2004, 01:43 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
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Originally posted by Marty McFly
I just recently purchased a Presario 2100. What do you not like about it?

I was thinking about installing Mandrake 10, I haven't yet. Have you had any other issues besides the pc card? I have the broadcom wireless built in, I know there is issues with that and Linux in general.
I dont' know man, i've had nothing but trouble with it lol. i've had wireless problems that i couldn't do anythign about, and no one seems to know how to fix it, i've searched a lot for a solution but no luck. I've tried RedHat 8 and 9, Mandrake 9.1 and 10, Gentoo, Slackware, Debian woody, college linux, knoppix, and finally fedora core 1 and core 2 test3. and man that thing just won't fire up. i also had some monitor problems with the Redhats, and 3-d accerlation is just no where man.

but there's some hope though. Today, I've checked a website for a guy who has a presario 2199 i think, he had like this config.opts modified file that you can put instead of the one that mandrake already has. he also said that if you configure the kernel so that it loads the pcmcia drivers last, it'll help you out. i also got some configuration lines that you should add if you have an mn-520 microsoft wireless card. i did all that, and suddenly it worked !!!! unfortunately, the first thing i did after getting the connection to work is update the operating system, i rebooted after it, and now, not even the power light of the my wireless card works. the card is still functional since i tested it on another laptop, but on my laptop it just stopped responding, its like mandrake doesn't even recognize the card's bus driver. I'll try to reinstall it again and do the updates first then the configuration later and see if it works, or if anyone else happen to know what i can do i'd really appreciate it, being a newbie sucks man


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