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pranavchoudhary 09-11-2006 01:08 PM

cannot run Xwindows on Dell 640m
Hi, I just installed FC4(including the X server) on my dell 640M laptop. But the x windows does not start. I checked the red hat documentation, they ask to run XP86Setup, but i do not have any such utility.
In my /etc/X/xorg.conf, section "Screen" looks like:
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 16
subsection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 16
Modes "800x600" "640x480"

** My laptop has a wide screen with the resoluton of 1280x800

Also the Section "Monitor" looks like

Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName "Unknown monitor"
HorizSync 31.5 - 37.9
VertRefresh 50.0 - 70.0
Option "dpms"

It seems that the installation faled to detect my monitor type. What should i do?

zhangmaike 09-11-2006 02:22 PM


I checked the red hat documentation, they ask to run XP86Setup, but i do not have any such utility.
It's XF86Setup, not XP86Setup.

If you still can't find it, you could always do (as root):

Xorg -configure
If Xorg isn't in root's path, you'll have to specify an absolute path to Xorg in order to run it. This is the case on my system, and since my Xorg is located in /usr/X11R6/bin, I'd do:

/usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg -configure
Then, follow the instructions for testing the configuration file that it generates. If it works, copy it over your old xorg.conf

pranavchoudhary 09-12-2006 10:12 AM

The test with Xorg fails. I tried "setup" and then cnofigured the monitor type manully. After that, on "startx" Xwindows starts. But i have to do a "setup" everytime i reboot my system, else Xwindows fails to start.

zhangmaike 09-13-2006 03:41 AM

What do you mean that the test fails? Xorg -configure ?

If there is an error message of any kind, could you post it?


But i have to do a "setup" everytime i reboot my system, else Xwindows fails to start.
You should only have to setup X-window once, and the configuration files for X should persist between reboots of your system. Can you confirm whether or not your xorg.conf file is being changed after a reboot? Is there some script which runs at startup that could be resetting your xorg.conf file? Some distributions have a script which is supposed to run only on the first boot (I believe Fedora is one of these). I don't pretend to know the inner workings of fedora, but I wouldn't be surprised if such a script kept running past the first boot because it wasn't successful the first time.

After you successfully configure X-window using your "setup" utility, try copying the xorg.conf file somewhere safe, reboot and see if X starts; if X doesn't start, copy the old xorg.conf back and see if X starts.

odcheck 09-13-2006 04:07 AM

Fedora 4 has no XF86Setup ! only Susi does. And old redhat till 9 had this.
It has got a Intel 945GM Graphics Controller and this Notebook is also called
E1405 correct?
So you can try this /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Its only a tip cause i810 will work as 1st step :-)
And choose the correct monitor using as root on a console


Section "Monitor"

 ### Comment all HorizSync and VertSync values to use DDC:
        Identifier  "Monitor0"
        VendorName  "Monitor Vendor"
        ModelName    "Dell 1024x768 Laptop Display Panel"
 ### Comment all HorizSync and VertSync values to use DDC:
        HorizSync    31.5 - 48.5
        VertRefresh  59.0 - 75.0
        Option      "dpms"

Section "Device"
        Identifier  "Videocard0"
        Driver      "i810"
        VendorName  "Videocard vendor"
        BoardName  "Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics

Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Screen0"
        Device    "Videocard0"
        Monitor    "Monitor0"
        DefaultDepth    24
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport  0 0
                Depth    16
                Modes    "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Viewport  0 0
                Depth    24
                Modes    "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

PingFloyd 09-13-2006 04:37 AM

Try commenting out the verticle and horizontal refresh rate lines unless you know for a fact they're accurate. I've come acrossed some situations where Xorg will automatically detect more optimal settings. Sometimes that has gotten X to start up instead of complaining about the configuration. Technically, it should start up if those settings are correct though, but sometimes it takes some experimentation to get it to go. Xorg seems to be funny that way (I guess it does much better at probing than XFree86). I've even had some luck with having no xorg.conf at all. I think it then just reverts completely to defaults and auto-probing in that case.

I've noticed that there is different utils for setting up X from one distro to another.

Here's some other commands you can try for the hell of it. These were all the different ways I could setup Xorg in my distro and I found that each utils has varying results. Some of them seem to work better in some people's cases dependant upon their hardware, while others work better for others.

hwd -x (I think this was something more specific to my distro since, but what the hey, worth a shot eh).
Xorg -configure
X -configure

With my distro Xorg is modular (I can't remember if this a distro thing or a Xorg thing. I think it's Xorg in itself release 7+ iirc) so there is the necessity to sometimes install some extra packages etc. For instance, a package containing the proper video X video drivers.

I'm guessing that XF86Setup may not be on your system since you're appearantly using Xorg instead. The docs are probably written with the assumption of using XFree86 for your Xserver or are perhaps a little behind the times with what's in your distro.

If all else fails, then you'll probably have to resort to manually hacking your xorg.conf. The best way to do that is experimenting along with some research. Your best friend becomes "#" with this so that you can comment and uncomment things to test the results. I find that the xorg.conf is one of those things that can be tweaked tigher and tigher, but in most, but not all, usually one setup util or another ends up working out.

I probably should have asked you this earlier, but I didn't think of it until now since it's something that is so easy to assume. How do you have it setup to boot into X? Is it using a display manager, or do you type "startx" at the prompt? If you type startx at the prompt, then make sure you have some sort of window manager setup (i.e. "exec fluxbox" or to execute whatever the binary name for your prefered window manager is in your .xinitrc). In my case, X would start up with that, but it would jump back to the command prompt real fast to where it appeared that X wasn't able to start up, when in fact it was starting up just fine, it was just being confused by not knowing what to do next (i.e. execute a window manager to handle the displaying of windows etc.). Remember that the Xserver itself doesn't really do anything if there is no form of Xclient to it. Well it technically does, but it won't seem like it from a visual point of view. It's that the Xserver (Xorg itself) is more of the fundimental backend whereas stuff like your window manager (allows you to display windows), toolkits (all the bells and whistles that go in those windows i.e. what the Microsoft refers to as controls more of less), and terminals are the Xclients.

Hope that helps. Sorry I can't be of more specific help, but that's sort of the nature of the beast. Setting up the Xserver can sometimes be a pain on some systems (depending upon how lucky or unlucky you get with how good it is at supporting it) and can take a bit of tweaking to get it like the configuration. Once you get it up and running, you probably will want to make a backup of your xorg.conf since it may someday come in handy if you ever need to hack it to get something new working etc (something to fall back on should X decide it doesn't like a setting you're trying to tweak to get something new working or getting X to work more to your liking, for instance.).

You might also trying posing this question to the forum that is using the same distro as you as well. They might have some distro specific pointers in regards to setting up X in an easy manner. For instance, what command is standard to run you specific distro. Like I remember when I used to run Debian they had a their own util for setting up X that worked real well. At the very least it always served as a good starting point for generating an XF86Config-4 file (I was using Sarge back then and by default it used XFree86 as apposed to Xorg) that I could then tweak with until I got optimal results. In most people's cases it usually generated a good setup that gave them optimal refresh rates and resolutions (they were lucky enough to have the right hardware :D ). Each distro seems to have somewhat slightly varying ways of "the recommended way" to setup of X. They're just there to try to make it easier though. If you're pretty familiar with X then it's usually best to do the more manual ways. Another thing to keep in mind is that these different methods of setup are usually more of a front end to setting up X and therefore may have their own associated dependencies. I know that at least one them that I listed above was a curses based setup and therefor required some curses related library to be able to run, for instance.

pranavchoudhary 09-16-2006 02:44 AM

i have tried all the suggestions, nothing seems to be in my favour. But i am not giving up.I shall post the same on a FC4 specific thread.
Thanx everyone

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