Netbook is one month old and worked well on wireless and G3 until 2 days ago.
Connection Manager shows but cannot connect to any network. Spoke to Acer who gave me a fix but I found I cannot get terminal to accept any commands - just gives a black blob where it should be displaying I belive "local host" or somthing like that.
Spoke to Acer again who said use the recovery disk, I have tried this using option 2 on a Vista PC and found that after loading the linpus kernel it froze.
Spoke to Acer again who said "3 year warrenty is for hardware - will send you a replacement recovery disc which will take 10 days". No we won't fix your machine "this is software not hardware". Wish I had ought a Dell.
Went online to to get a recovery disc. Tried downloading both folders of files and loading onto USB stick but get told by Netbook that there is not a bootable table.
Any help with network, terminal or how to download the recovery disc.