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Linux - Laptop and Netbook Having a problem installing or configuring Linux on your laptop? Need help running Linux on your netbook? This forum is for you. This forum is for any topics relating to Linux and either traditional laptops or netbooks (such as the Asus EEE PC, Everex CloudBook or MSI Wind).


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Old 03-09-2006, 09:35 PM   #1
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AC'97 Modem: How do I check if it's working?

I have a Gateway 1450LS Laptop.
Running Slackware 10.2/Kernel 2.6.15/KDE 3.4
Just compiled/installed slmodem-2.9.10
When I
#modprobe snd_intel8x0m
#slmodemd --alsa
SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.10 Mar  9 2006 19:46:00
symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/2' created.
modem `modem:1' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/2'
Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
That's it.
How do I know if it's working?
Do I have to 'modprobe snd_intel8x0m' everytime?**EDIT: Added it to rc.modules
Is there a 'terminal program' in KDE I can use?

Last edited by cwwilson721; 03-09-2006 at 10:22 PM.
Old 03-09-2006, 09:42 PM   #2
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Registered: Feb 2006
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Try to go "Applications -> System Settings -> Network. Then click to available network card by ensuring there's a "tick icon" appear when you click on it, then click Activate. If it's activated properly, means your network card is up". Another method is using terminal, type "ifconfig" and see the output, if there's another port other than "lo" usually is "eth0", that means your network card is up.

For also sound driver, try modprobe or insmod command "insmod /lib/modules/..../alsa". Then you may try it out by playing a song to make sure whether it works.

Good Luck, dude.
Old 03-09-2006, 09:49 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by leonall
Try to go "Applications -> System Settings -> Network.
Not in KDE
Originally Posted by leonall
Then click to available network card by ensuring there's a "tick icon" appear when you click on it, then click Activate. If it's activated properly, means your network card is up". [Another method is using terminal, type "ifconfig" and see the output, if there's another port other than "lo" usually is "eth0", that means your network card is up.
Just out of curiosity, did you read my post? It's not a network card, it's a modem.And while it may show in 'ifconfig'(which it does not), you are talking about a different Desktop Enviornment than I posted.
Originally Posted by leonall
For also sound driver, try modprobe or insmod command "insmod /lib/modules/..../alsa". Then you may try it out by playing a song to make sure whether it works.
My sound is fine. Read the post. It's even titled "AC'97 Modem". The module is so I can hear the line, not to play songs.

Thank you for your attempt, leonall, but you really should read the post before answering questions that have nothing to do with what was written.

Anybody else with relevant help?

Last edited by cwwilson721; 03-09-2006 at 09:51 PM.


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