Ok, good news and bad news...
Good news is that when I removed the initrd /boot/initrd.blah from my /boot/grub/menu.lst file, the Kernel started firing up!! I was at the edge of my seat waiting and then...
The Bad news, got an error with my video nvidia card!!! Desktop won't appear. I logged in as root and tried to startx, but got an error like this...: :Failed to Load nvidia module.
So I will run my little Mempis Kernel Automation Script again, but this time I will pay attention to the endless questions that they ask when configuring the kernel ( i.e. make oldconfig). By the way, where is menuconfig, xconfig located???
***I wanted to share this with anyone who is trying to rebuild their Mepis Kernel. It works for me
I don't have any parameters built into this script below, but you can just alter your own username in the /home directory to suit your needs. (By the way, this only builds the kernel and copies the files to /boot directory. You'll have to add the "kernel /boot/hda5/vmlinuz-" entry yourself to /boot/grub/menu.lst)
Instructions before running the BuildMyKernel Script...:
Copy the Bash Script below and save it in your home directory, name it BuildMyKernel. Then type on the command line chmod +x BuildMyKernel, this will make the file executable.
Next Download your kernel to your /home/username directory (i.e linux- from
Then just type ./BuildMyKernel (yes, you need ./ before BuildMyKernel).
Here is the Bash Script to copy (just change the kernel versions throughout the file to suit your needs and also the /home/username. Again you can easily use variables throughout the script, I just threw it together and it works for me. I ran it more than 4 times already because i'm trying to configure the kernel properly.
This Script takes about 45 mins to an hour, that's including you choosing which items to install to your kernel. Once that's done, the script continues on by itself.
echo Removing the Previous Kernel stored on your /home/linuxpatriot directory...
cd /usr/src/linux
make clean; make mrproper; cd ..; rm linux; cd /home/linuxpatriot; rm -r linux-
echo beginning to upgrade your kernel...
#script myBuildLog
cd /home/linuxpatriot
echo Extracting the LinuxTarKernel....
tar -xjf linux*
#echo Placing a Delay Here about 5 mins...
#sleep 5m
cd /usr/src
ln -s /home/linuxpatriot/linux- linux
cd /usr/src/*2.6.10*
pwd; ls
echo Copying .diffs and .config from older kernel....
cp .config /usr/src/linux/
cp * /usr/src/linux/
#cp *.diff /usr/src/linux/
#cp .config /usr/src/linux/
echo Ok Building the Kernel Now....
cd /usr/src/linux; ls -a
make oldconfig; make modules; make modules_install; make bzImage
echo; echo; echo Ok Copying the Compressed Kernel to /boot....
cd /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot
cp bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-
cd /usr/src/linux
echo; echo; echo Copying the System.map to /boot and rename it....
cp System.map /boot/System.map-
#cd /lib/modules/2.6.12-1-586tsc
#cp -r .* /lib/modules/
echo; echo; echo Final step trying to create initrd.img ....
mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-
echo Ok, hopefully you are all finished here...