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Old 01-18-2003, 12:45 PM   #1
Jason P
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Question You mean to tell me

that out of all the people on this board running RedHat 8.0 that not one of you knows the answer to fixing the sound on a VIA tech card?

Some people have tried to help and I thank you, but why even participate in a forum if you are not going to share your finds.

I mean we are not making secret sauce here, it should be an easy tutorial someone could write
Old 01-18-2003, 01:01 PM   #2
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that out of all the people on this board running RedHat 8.0 that not one of you knows the answer to fixing the sound on a VIA tech card?
Well, that's always a possibility. Even tho Linux branches in a myriad of ways that doesn't mean we're all into everything and pretend we know everything.

Some people have tried to help and I thank you, but why even participate in a forum if you are not going to share your finds.
You're suggesting something paranoid here like ppl at LQ will sit on their knowledge. <quote>I find your lack of faith disturbing.</quote> :-]

it should be an easy tutorial someone could write
Then why not elect yourself to be that "someone". Start it off and fill up the hiatus with other ppls coments untill done. Dry well away from dust, wrap in paper, post at LDP and reap the fame of a well-wrought HOWTO....
Old 01-18-2003, 02:17 PM   #3
LQ Guru
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Re: You mean to tell me

Originally posted by Jason P
Some people have tried to help and I thank you, but why even participate in a forum if you are not going to share your finds.
You have to remember one thing also, most come here and help others out of their own free time, you might get a response within a matter of minutes or you might not get answered at all. Just be thankful some are even trying to help you.
Old 01-19-2003, 02:24 AM   #4
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Re: You mean to tell me

Originally posted by Jason P
that out of all the people on this board running RedHat 8.0 that not one of you knows the answer to fixing the sound on a VIA tech card?
I have a VIA sound board and the only way I got it to work is using the Alsa Sound Drivers.

If you had done a search on this forum maybe you would have found an answer!


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