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Old 06-04-2004, 07:17 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: 50N 3E
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 64

Rep: Reputation: 15
xinerama on ATI Radeon 9800


I'm trying to get a decent setup here, but whatever I tried it always fails at some point.

I have an ATI Radeon 9800 chip in an unknown board (It's Medion, but I KNOW that they don't make any boards, just buy them... but it might be made specifically for them, so...) It has 2 VGA-connectors + 1 svideo.

Currently I have X (with KDE) setup in Dual-head setup: 2 screens with sep. framebuffers using the ATI-binary drivers.

I'd like to have Xinerama (so I can move windows from one desktop to the other and stuff. Problem is: My 2 screens are different. The main one (right one) should be on 1280*1024; the second one (left) should be at 1024*768. (that rules out the big-desktop setup).

I don't really need the 3D acceleration (I guess, I do need DGA, but I thing that is something different?).

What are my options? I tried the kernel driver with "Driver "radeon"", but It crashes for unknown reasons (using 2.5.6). Also tried "Driver "ati"" (Read it somewhere) but that refuses to start.
Tried the xinerama-setup on the ati-drivers, but apparently he sens the primary framebuffer to both monitors... (so the left, secondary, one displays a lot of garbage, since it can't handle that resolution. NOTE: the image is send that way, it's not the monitor that can't display it; it's the card that makes the garbage.)

if you need any logs/configs, let me know I'll post them!


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