Hello everybody.
I've had this problem a couple of times and on a number of different machines. Sometimes I got rid of it by tweaking here and there, but up to now I don't know its true origin.
When I boot RedHat Linux 8, everything is fine until X attempts to change the screen resolution to enter the graphical mode. I can hear the ticking sound when the monitor changes the resolution, but then nothing happens for 2 or 3 seconds, the screen remains blank. This happens another 4 or 5 times, and I'm dropped back to text mode. Then, the whole thing starts all over again. I could let it run like this for hours if I wanted, no timeout occurs.
Unfortunately, I cannot interrupt the process from outside: All keys are ignored except for text mode, where I can type, say, 3 characters before the next resolution switch occurs and further key hits are ignored.
The whole system was working properly till yesterday. I've added some harddisks, and even got the system running without problems. The last change I can remember was adding a swap partition.
Nasty side-effect: I have to unplug my harddisks and change the BIOS settings etc. in order to get the system booted from a CD-ROM, since all IDE ports are now in use by HDDs.
I've already checked the X log files (no errors) and created a new X86 config. Problem persists.
Any suggestions?
Thank you very much!!