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Old 05-11-2006, 04:39 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Mandriva
Posts: 58

Rep: Reputation: 17
Angry Written DVD's results in blank disks [PARTIALLY SOLVED]

I use Mandriva 2006.0 Free DVD edition

I have LG-4167B (I think) DVD-+Writer (secondary master) and a Compaq CDROM (primary slave)

PC is Compaq Evo 300D (P3 1100Mhz)

When I write a CD-R or CD-RW everithing is OK.

But, when I write a DVD+R it is written without error messages, but after that when I put it in the DVD drive ... it is reported as blank disk. On Windows the same written disk is empty too. If I start XCDRoast (which I use to write disks on linux - K3B crashes - but this is another issue) it can see the written track. On windows Nero7 also can see that there is a track on the dvd disk. Even it can save it to a .nrg file ... of course the saved file is impossible to be mounted in DaemonTools or similar. On Windows DVD's can be written whitout problems ... so it is not a hardware failiure.

Also it may be an incompatibility whit my bios/chipset I think, becouse if in bios "Power Saveing" option is set to disabled no CD's or DVD's can be written, the simtomps are the same. Write=>OK=>imossible to READ. With "Power Saveing" enabled CD's are OK, but DVD's are not. Also I mention that "halt" command doeas a reboot on my system - don't know why.

I plan to play with the bios settings and try DVD-R disks too. Till then, please help with any ideeas, tell me what should I check, or if you need any logs/outputs/configs to help write me which one to post here. THANX A LOT.

Last edited by eddiep; 05-12-2006 at 06:08 PM.
Old 05-11-2006, 06:38 PM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Nov 2004
Distribution: Mandriva mostly, vector 5.1, tried many.Suse gone from HD because bad Novell/Zinblows agreement
Posts: 1,606

Rep: Reputation: 53
try another brand of dvd-R
is the problem only with +R
try another speed
burn a downloaded iso of at least 800 Mo (there might be a minimum to write otherwise padding is needed,
I mean if you try to small a file there might be an issue)
post output of lshw relevant to the dvd writer
download and compile latest K3B
known issue with automount?
k3b - settings - configure - devices check what it says there

no other idea am afraid
Old 05-12-2006, 02:23 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Mandriva
Posts: 58

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Rep: Reputation: 17
dvd -R or dvd +R is the same problem
different speed is not a solution tryed 4x - 8x
written session was about 4GB
can't use current k3b, it makes the system to freeze - I didn't downloaded the newest yet
it's not about mounting the written dvd. The datas on the dvd can't bee seen, neither on linux or windows. At a certain moment about2-3 weeks ago it worked. Then I did not write any dvd's till 3 days ago so I don't know what went wrong. And I can't remember changeing anything else that those "power saveing" bios options.
also I remember that I updated the "dbus package" ... anyway, the new version is not starting properly. Could this be the problem? [DBUS PROBLEM SOLVED]

What is "lshw relevant to the dvd writer" ?


Last edited by eddiep; 05-12-2006 at 02:55 PM.
Old 05-12-2006, 03:33 PM   #4
Senior Member
Registered: Nov 2004
Distribution: Mandriva mostly, vector 5.1, tried many.Suse gone from HD because bad Novell/Zinblows agreement
Posts: 1,606

Rep: Reputation: 53
lshw will list details of your hardware including some details about your recorder
somebody may spot something or relevance or know something I surely do not
future googler will be helped by that info

I am mot sure what to suggest; my priority would be to get k3b to work frankly
Old 05-12-2006, 04:55 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Mandriva
Posts: 58

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Rep: Reputation: 17
Downloaded and compiled the newest K3B whithout errors. When I try to run k3b it crashes the system at "detecting CD devices..." So k3b is not a solution for me. I prefer anyway XCDRoast. Help whit that would be better.

I have no "lshw" command, but I have "lshal" which returns errors regarding the dbus service. I will now deinstall the current dbus package and reinstall the original one from mandriva. I'll be back whit news.
Old 05-12-2006, 06:08 PM   #6
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Mandriva
Posts: 58

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Rep: Reputation: 17
I partially solved the problem. It was a combined dbus and dvd disk problem. For those hwo has same problems like me:

- original dbus packages was reinstalled, know working fine
- there may be some driver issues with this dvd writer. I could successfully burn DVD-R disks only, DVD+R disks can not be written. An ATAPI info in XCDRoast returns only DVD-R write capabilities. Also it is possible that the previously tried DVD-R disk was damaged...
- know I can write DVD-R disks. If anyone managed to write with this writer DVD+R disks please tell me.
- the K3B => system crash still mysterious... anyway I'm pleased with XCDRoast
Old 05-13-2006, 12:00 PM   #7
Senior Member
Registered: Nov 2004
Distribution: Mandriva mostly, vector 5.1, tried many.Suse gone from HD because bad Novell/Zinblows agreement
Posts: 1,606

Rep: Reputation: 53
Thanks for posting your solution.
You may want to see in k3b mailing list if your dvd model has been quoted,

>>there may be some driver issues
Yes and no, I believe linux uses a generic (atapi/scsi_? driver for most dvd writer


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