apt list --installed > pac && cat pac | cut -d "/" -f1 > oldpacs && rm pac #---> oldpacs = what was all installed
apt list --installed > pac && cat pac | cut -d "/" -f1 > newpacs && rm pac #---> newpacs = new install missing extras in oldpacs
##### grep -Fvx -f partial.list full.list > missing from full list #####
grep -Fvx -f newpacs oldpacs > difference && echo $(cat difference) > get
When I do a reinstall and want things more or less the same in Debian Testing, I run the commands above.
There will be a file called "difference" and another called "get". They have the same contents except the "get" file is arranged in one line, I would put "apt install " at the begging of the line, copy paste it in the terminal
after weeding out libraries and packages I don't remember installing, also weed out stuff I don't use. Any of those needed as dependencies will get installed. But it's a good way to see the difference between old and new and customize further.