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Old 11-02-2002, 11:13 AM   #1
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: NoVA
Distribution: Ubuntu, Solaris, OpenBSD
Posts: 492

Rep: Reputation: 30
Wireless speed

I'm running the D-link DWl-650 card in Redhat 8 using orinoco_cs w/ hermes.conf and my throughput sucks. up2date times outs always as does apt-get update. I already tried downloading the newest orinoco and compiling it but to no avail.
Any ideas? Perhaps another driver?
Old 11-02-2002, 11:43 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Distribution: Slackware
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Rep: Reputation: 72
Yeah, I've found out a lot recently that the orinoco drivers just aren't cutting the cheese whiz for the prism2 cards. You might want to try out the host_ap driver (which also works with iwconfig and the rest of wireless tools), or seek out the clumpier drivers.


Old 11-02-2002, 11:48 AM   #3
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: NoVA
Distribution: Ubuntu, Solaris, OpenBSD
Posts: 492

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I downloaded and compiled the wlan-ng driver and edited my hermes.conf by changing the appropriate orinoco_cs entries to wlan-ng. No noticeable difference, I'm sure I'm missing something. Are all of these drivers configurable w/ iwconfig or even Redhat new GUI network tool?
Old 11-02-2002, 01:55 PM   #4
Registered: Dec 2001
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Well, I tried the host_ap driver. Read the instructions and it was recommended to cp the driver directory of host_ap to my /usr/src/pcmcia directory and recompile pcmcia. Did that and nothing.... No change. Tried editing hermes.conf but that lost wireless completely for me. Tried compiling host_ap from its directory after editing the Makefile to Redhat's kernel path ( /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-14 ). Still wouldn't compile. Removed hermes.conf, hoping soemthing would automagically happen. Nothing. I would be happy to try this in my beloved Libranet 2.7 but I have PCMCIA problems there also. I have never got Libranet up and running on wireless on my laptop. Desktop is another story, however. Sweet distro. I would happily format and try another distro if any of you guys think it would help. I have SUSE 8, Redhat 8, Mandrake 9, and Libranet 2.7 here at the house and I'm thinking of trying Knoppix.
Finegan,, your sig reminds me of that Futurama episode "The Deep South". Have you seen it?
Old 11-02-2002, 11:29 PM   #5
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 5,700

Rep: Reputation: 72
If you are using pcmcia-cs for its pcmcia modules that should work. Depending on the era of pcmcia, there might be a different file telling it to load orinoco, its either the hermes.conf patch file or with brand spankin newer pcmcia /etc/pcmcia/config, just grep it for orinoco:

grep orinoco /etc/pcmcia/config

If it has any instances in there, find your card and comment it out so it'll load according to the patch file that host_ap installs... host_ap.conf I think its called.

Right now is a tough time as half the distros are still using pcmcia-cs (deb and Slack) and everyone else has finally made the leap to in-kernel pcmcia (SuSe, RH, Mandy).

pcmcia-cs still has to be compiled anyway so that you have binary progies like cardmgr and cardctl and the /etc/pcmcia config files and such, but all of the drivers are now in kernel.

If you want to try wlan-ng, the linux-wlan drivers... I'm pretty sure there is a deb pack out there, Libranet is a Debian monster right?

I haven't seen that EP of futurama, haven't seen much of the series really, a long time ago I was too poor for cable and then realized I didn't miss TV...

Okay I do, I just download tons of DIVX, like having watched the entirety of "24" last week while I was sick.

I've got like 2 ISOs of Knoppix on different drives around here, I just don't have any 750mb or 800mb blanks!




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