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Old 07-01-2005, 08:09 AM   #1
Registered: May 2005
Posts: 35

Rep: Reputation: 15
wireless card advice please


Can any folks here recommend a pcmcia wireless card that works out of the box with most linux distros?

I made the mistake of getting a cheapo card with the TI acx 111 chipset. Craig's acx guide helped me get it working in debian and gentoo for some of the time, but then it would just stop working of it's own accord (really, I tested this by installing nothing, tweaking nothing, only using my laptop to surf the web and nothing else and it stopped working 'of it's own accord') and I got fed up with having to reinstall it every other day. Also I had to ditch both Ubuntu and Debian for other hardware problems that are less important.

Over these last few weeks I've had a one man install fest and tried every distro I've never used before. None of them worked with my wireless (I'm particularly annoyed Gentoo didn't as it took me 3 days to install and I really liked it and everything else worked amazingly fast). I am writing from Suse 9.3 now and alas same problem even though it's the only distro that noticed it upon install and even got it's brand name right, not just the chipset

In short: has anyone got a wireless card that just works with a few distros that you may have tried? I'm not even bothered about WEP or WPA anymore as I have been learning about VPN tunneling. All I want is a wireless card that works the same way my cheapo card does on the wretched XP I vowed never to use again
Old 07-01-2005, 09:11 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Newport News, Va
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 246

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I like the AT&T 6750g. It uses the madwifi driver. I've used mine with WPA-EAP, using RADIUS authentication and WPA-PSK, but I've never tried WEP or no encryption. I also got the PCI version (6550g) because it worked so well. Ubuntu detects it by default, and I assume it would work with WEP out of the box. To get it working with WPA was as simple as setting up wpa supplicant. The PCI card mentioned earlier is in a debian stable box, again using WPA and it works well.
Old 05-29-2006, 02:27 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2006
Distribution: Kubuntu 5.10
Posts: 1

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Originally Posted by twsnnva
I like the AT&T 6750g. It uses the madwifi driver. I've used mine with WPA-EAP, using RADIUS authentication and WPA-PSK, but I've never tried WEP or no encryption. I also got the PCI version (6550g) because it worked so well. Ubuntu detects it by default, and I assume it would work with WEP out of the box. To get it working with WPA was as simple as setting up wpa supplicant. The PCI card mentioned earlier is in a debian stable box, again using WPA and it works well.
Hi, I also have an AT&T 6750G wireless card, I was using Kubuntu, but I don't know how to install madwifi driver, please tell me how, I've tried to install it before, but it doesn't work.
I have a Vaio notebook. I'm installing now Suse 10.1, I hope to have more lucky with it.

Last edited by luisgil25; 05-29-2006 at 02:31 AM.


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