My experience with Netgear wg511 version 2 wireless G cards.
Seen here that netgear wg511 54mb G card works under linux using the prism54 driver. Bought one at staples and had no luck. After about 2 hours research I found something metioning if the box says Made In China it will not work. The ones that say made in Taiwan work perfect. Found one at Circuit City for $39.00 after rebate. Now future note I downloaded the following file from Renamed it to isl3890 and put in it my /lib/firmware directory. If it does not exist create it. Now I have already have compiled my prism54 driver in the last kernel compile so was ready to go.
With kernel compiled and file in place. I rebooted to the new kernel and waited for all to come up. Once KDE was up I plugged in the Netgear card and turn on eth1. Eth1 was already configured since I was using a Linksys wpc11 version 2 card. I was on the network and running. Very simply to do finally. Runs on B & G routers no problem. Only thing is it does not beep when the card is inserted but I will need to add it to /etc/pcmcia/config file for that to work.
Now the other China version 2 will work with Ndiswrapper.
If it is a ver3 then ndiswrapper will be the only way to go.
With all that said kiddies get out there and get them while they last.
REMEMBER: Made in Taiwan is GOOD Made in China BADDDDD!
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Search strings netgear wg511 ver2 ver3 B&G