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Old 06-15-2004, 07:27 PM   #1
Registered: May 2004
Location: St. Petersburg, FL USA
Distribution: Arch Linux, Fedora Core 3
Posts: 51

Rep: Reputation: 15
wiggle mouse too fast or while holding ctrl and mouse dies

I'm using X 4.4 on Arch Linux, kernel 2.6.6. I have Gigabyte nforce2 mb (GA-7N400) and have a MS Wheel Mouse Optical usb and ps/2 mouse.

I had it hooked up via USB, but couldn't get the mousewheel working. The true problem is when I moved the mouse too quickly or held ctrl and wiggled the mouse, it began to move erraticly and copy and move things about.

Yesterday I found a usb to ps/2 adapter, and am trying the mouse via ps/2. Now the mousewheel works, and when I hold ctrl and wiggle the mouse the slightest bit, it stops responding and I have to restart X.

During my struggles with the mouse via USB, i uninstalled gpm. Here are the relevant lines of my XF86Config-4 file:

    Identifier	"Mouse1"
    Driver	"mouse"
    #Option "CorePointer"
    Option "Protocol"    "imps/2"
    Option "Device"      "/dev/input/mouse0"
    Option "Buttons" "5"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option "Resolution" "200"
    Option "Samplerate" "200"
Does anyone have any ideas? It just happened again while I was pasting that in here. Oh, the joys of computing.


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