I haven't figured out how to make the fonts not so terribly ugly. I tried using the subpixeling idea, but it didn't seem to make any difference, which leads me to believe that my syntax is incorrect. Any ideas?
Cleartype is a Microsoft trademark and it's what we've been doing for years in Linux - it's known as anti-aliasing to everyone outside Redmond, WA.
You can either change these settings on a per-user basis with the configuration file ~/.fonts.conf or for everyone on the host using /etc/fonts/local.conf. I suggest using ~/.fonts.conf until you have gotten it right.
First you need to add the top directory of where your Truetype fonts live. Non-Truetype fonts (pcf console fonts for example, and the same goes for Postscript fonts if I remember correctly) will not have anti-aliasing, so if you're not using truetype fonts that's why the fonts look jagged and ugly.
Here is an example XFT configuration file, be it /etc/fonts/local.conf or ~/.fonts.conf (they are basically the same):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
Enable sub-pixel rendering
<match target="font">
<edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
I have all my truetype fonts in the directory trees /usr/share/fonts (fonts provided by the distribution) and /usr/local/share/fonts (downloaded fonts). XFT will scan the subdirectories as well so you can build a structured hierarchy if you wish (I think you should if you have lots of fonts). The directory ~/.fonts will be searched by default as well, so if you don't have it you should create it. You can simply copy truetype fonts (from a Windows installation or downloaded) to these directories and run
fc-cache -v .The -v provides more output and helps debugging if changes doesn't seem to take effect.
You will also need the environment variable $GDK_USE_XFT set to "1" (enabled) to make sure GTK2/XFT applications use XFT to display fonts.