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Old 12-14-2005, 03:24 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
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Post Why don't want load Linux on " IT 8212F "RAID" card?

Hi all!

I put into my PC ITE 8212F "RAID" PCI controller, because I want speed up data throughput between HDD's & ATA/CD-ROM's (each put its own 'single' channel [HDD 1,First Master socket, HDD 2,Second Master socket on the ITE card; CD-ROM 1, First Master socket, CD-ROM 2, Second Master Socket on my motherboard]). On the HDD 1 (WD300) is my WinXP & Debian 3.1, with grub boot manager. On the HDD 2 (WD800) are only data.

Here is my progress:

1. I compiled my custom kernel 2.6.14 to load IT8212 modules.
2. Put my HDD 2 to IT 8212 card, and reboot my system
3. I tested the HDD 2 & it's works fine (read/write operation, hdparm speed test,...)
4. Put my HDD 1 & 2 separately on IT card, In my BIOS (on MB) I configured, to start the BIOS booting from ITE 8212 card. (ITE bios configured to don't use RAID, only run in normal mode)
5. After ITE's BIOS screen, (where grub should be appear) I see only black screen.

I want to boot from ITE HDD 1. It is possible? How can I do it?
In my opinion I could solve the problem by grub re-configuration, but I don't know how?

If you have any idee, please let me know.

I thank you for your attention!

Best wishes
Old 12-14-2005, 08:00 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2005
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This depends on how your motherboard BIOS works. On the majority of MBs when you turn it on the IDE channels on the MB will get found first so these will be IDE0(primary) with hda and hdb; IDE1(secondary) with hdc and hdd. Then the IT8212 card will get found, and this will be IDE2(primary) with hde and hdf; IDE3(secondary) with hdg and hdh. (this of course assumes that you have 8 devices connected).

So when your boot disk is attached to IDE0 (on MB) it will be seen as hda, but when you put it on IDE2 it is seen as hde.
I don't know how to configure grub (i use lilo) myself so I can't help you with that bit, but if you look hard enough there are plenty of guides and howto's on the subject, or there are the nice people on this forum

However you could just leave the boot HDD on IDE0 and put your cd drives on the IT8212.

Also if i understand you right, you compiled the IT8212 drivers as a module so it won't boot properly unless you are using an initrd. You would be better off compiling it it to the kernel and not as a module. If you decide to leave your boot HDD on IDE0 you can still leave it as a module, just remember to load the module otherwise you won't see the drives attached to it.

Old 12-15-2005, 06:22 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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I thank you for your help snowtigger I will tray compiling the IT 8212 driver to the kernel & spend more time with "googl(e)ing"

[As yet I don't try connect on the IT card CD-ROM, because it is a "RAID" controller. As I see it, it wouldn't handle ATA/CD-ROM. Buth I will try it ]

Best wishes!

Old 12-15-2005, 01:08 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2005
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Glad I could help.

The card is basically an IDE controller, so you can connect any IDE device (eg hd, cdrom, zip, tape and others). But it has RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disk) features on it. It can do RAID 0, 1 and 0+1. I found the specs for it here

Old 12-18-2005, 12:17 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Dear snowtigger

At 1st I would you thank you for your helpfulness.
I read the hotlink what you pointed. It was very interesting, but the experience whit my HW is unfortunately not as good. A few days ago, I updated the IT 8212F BIOS (without any errors). Then I connected my ATAPI/CD-ROM on it (of course: with right jumper settings & cabling & I don't forgot put the power connector to the CD-ROM) . I started the computer & tray to configure the IT BIOS manually (because automatically don't have knowledge about my CD-ROM, but in the IT BIOS isn't any opinion about manual configuration. I exited the IT BIOS, and start the linux. On linux I read the dmesg output. And there wasn't any log about the CD-ROM device (about the hde device), linux don't detect the CD-ROM (I look at /dev/ if there is a device hde, but there were only my two HDD [hda,hdb] and a CD-ROM [hdc] wich was attached on MB).
If you have any idee about how I can detect it [CD-ROM] with IT8212F BIOS or Linux please let me know.

Best wishes

Old 12-18-2005, 08:09 PM   #6
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2002
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There is a difference with IDE and ATAPI IDE devices. I doubt the ITE 8212 is ATAPI compatible, so you can only use hard drives.

GRUB is easier to edit because it comes with a console that you can use to install the boot loader, lets you edit the config to manually load an OS, and it is userspace. In /boot/grub/menu.lst, find hd0 and change it to hd1. If you want to make sure hd1 is correct, type grub at the terminal. Then type root (hd<tab>. It should list the drives and as well as the partitions on those drives. You may need to also change /dev/hda to /dev/hde. You will have to edit fstab and change /dev/hda to /dev/hde.

If ITE 8212 is compiled as a module, you will have to include it in a ramdisk file or initrd. The module have to be decompress. Look the utility mkinitrd in man.

If you place the hd1 on Primary Master and hd2 on Secondary Master, the speed will be the same. Then place the cdrom drives on the slave.
Old 12-18-2005, 08:18 PM   #7
Registered: Mar 2005
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That is unfortunate.
First thing is does it show up in 'lspci'.
Second, what did you do with the drivers, did you build it as a module or part of the kernel? If you put it as a module, have you loaded it?

Which kernel are you using?

I don't actually have one of these cards, but with the card i do have based on a CMD PCI0649 you do not have to configure anything on the card for cd drives. The bit you are trying is probably just to set up raid arrays.

Old 12-22-2005, 01:06 PM   #8
LQ Newbie
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Dear Electro

I tried your instructions about "root (hd<tab>". It's functions great. But I didn't have enought time to do all your tasks about decompressing initrd & editing /boot/grub/menu.lst. I will make your inspirative modifications on grub & mkinitrd one of these days.

Best wishes

Old 12-26-2005, 10:56 AM   #9
LQ Newbie
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Dear snowtigger

I apologize to late answer for your message.

"does it show up in 'lspci'" Yes
"what did you do with the drivers, did you build it as a module or part of the kernel?" I build it as module & of corse after reboot with the new (2.6.14) kernel I checked, the loaded modules (lsmod). The IT 8212 was loaded

"just to set up raid arrays." No. I don't want to use my 2 HDD as RAID array (It's hard to backup/recover my system if one HDD fails. I just want to use a simple "normal" mode, without RAID arrays.




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