Why did my Geforce mx 4000 creates a kernel panic in post installation?
I had a strange Problem with my current graphics card .A whole lot of linux flavours nearly everything that i had tried (From mandriva 2006 to Ubuntu Live and both kernel versions 2.4 and 2.6)they detect and identifies my graphics card and loads proper driver for it in the pre installation stage .But after the installation even before starting x window system it shows an init panic:segmentation fault (at same memmory location every time).The problem is solved when i change my primary display card to the onboard and after that everything goes fine and i was able to get display on my two cards(Onboard :Set As primary Display Adapter and In my Geforce MX4000).But As soon as i change my bios settings back making geforce as primary it shows an init panic or segmentation fault.I tested my ram sticks for stability using mem test,as it was segfault error but nothing was wrong with my RAM modules. I am listing My configuration Below.PLease Help me with this issue
--Sajin Koroth(sajinkoroth@gmail.com)
My Configuration:
Intel Celeron 1.70 Ghz CPU
768 (512+256) MB of ZION 333 Mhz RAM
40 GB Samsung HDD(SV4012H)--connected in UDMA5 mode
Liteon DVD combo drive(48x)
LG cd rom drive(52x)
SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter(connected to a cable broadband ISP)(100 Mb/s)
Mother Board:PI845GLM-AGP From Mercury(Uses AMI bios,AC 97 audio codec) it has an AGP-Ultra slot(8x)
Grphics Card:ASUS X series V9400(128 MB DDR with Tv out)(Nvidia MX 4000)