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Old 06-09-2003, 10:26 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
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Distribution: Dual Booting Mandrake 9.1 and XP
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Which nvidia driver do I download?

When I go to the nvidia's website to update my graphics card for linux, which one do I get. I have a GeForce4 420 Go. And will this update interfere with windows?

Thanks for your help.

Graphics Drivers
Linux IA32
Latest Version: 1.0-4363

Linux IA64
Latest Version: 1.0-4050

Linux AMD64
Latest Version: 1.0-4180

Free BSD
Latest Version: 1.0-3203

nForce Drivers

Latest Version: 1.0-0248
Old 06-09-2003, 10:32 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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# Configuring X
Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO - video cards
The Linux XFree86 HOWTO
Common X configuring tools:
Debian - dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
Mandrake - XFdrake
Redhat 7.3 down - the setup utility leads to several config tools
Redhat 7.3 up - redhat-config-xfree86
You may have these tools:
XFree86 -configure
ATI Linux drivers
If you need the nVidia driver, most likely, you want the Linux IA32 driver
Old 06-10-2003, 10:22 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Reading, Berkshire, IN-GER-LUND!!!
Distribution: Mandriva 2006
Posts: 228

Rep: Reputation: 30
You need the drivers that were compiled for your system, if it's a normal PC then you need the IA32.

The different versions of the drivers are for different types of computer, IA32 means all 32-bit x86 systems, this includes all pentium, athlon and duron processors. IA64 is for 64-bit intel processors, AMD64 for 64-bit AMDs.

The only exceptions here are the FreeBSD drivers that are for the FreeBSD operating system (and not linux), and the nforce drivers that are specifically for nforce chipsets, which your's is not.

The type of graphics card you have doesn't affect the driver version since all NVidia cards use the same set of drivers.

These drivers work fine for my GeForce3 card.

Just remember to edit your XF86config file as directed in the instructions else X won't start until you make the changes and you'll have trouble unless you know how to use the command-line text editors (that happened to me when I was still a noob)

windoze and linux are completely separate so installing these drivers under linux will not interefere with windoze at all.

Hope this helps!



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