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Old 02-25-2021, 01:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2018
Posts: 3

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What video cards support low temp fan stop?

I have an MSI Gaming X RX570 and the fan stop feature does not seem to work with the Linux Kernel driver.

I recently got a Asus Strix GT 970, and noticed its fan stop feature works in Linux the same as it does in windows (with the nvidia drivers installed)

I was hoping people could point out which other cards do, and do not, support this fan stop feature using either the nvidia drivers or the AMD Linux Kernel driver in the latest Ubuntu derivatives. I'm hoping to find AMD cards that allow for this feature..

Last edited by Intrinsic; 02-26-2021 at 05:08 PM.
Old 02-26-2021, 06:13 AM   #2
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Sorry, but I dont get your question. However, here are my thoughts.
Strix GT 970, and noticed its fan stop feature works in Linux the same as it does in windows
means the drivers in windows and linux are good and take control of the fan
X RX570 and the fan stop feature only works under windows. In Linux the fan does not stop (without extra software)
means the diver in linux dont have the same functionality like in windows = you have to search a better linux driver or adapt it.
You mean you search a card hardware with an outstanding linux driver support? personally I would go with a seller making well known cards and wide linux support (and perhaps use proprietary drivers)
And a newer one? (the old ones.. nobody want to update drivers)


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