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Old 04-22-2003, 12:29 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Chicago
Distribution: Slackware 10.2
Posts: 154

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What device represents my CD burner?

So, /dev/cdrom points to the master on my ide (DVD-ROM), and the slave on the same ide is a philips cd-rw, however slackware did not "install" it when I set up my system. It seems that /dev/cdrom actually points to /dev/hda, so where would my philips burner be located? Also, if I found it, how would I set it up in fstab? Thanks.
Old 04-22-2003, 03:34 AM   #2
Registered: Nov 2002
Distribution: A totally 133t distro :)
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you have to boot with ide-scsi emulation enabled.
in your lilo.conf

After you reboot (dont forget to rerun lilo after the above edit!!!) the cdburner should appear as /dev/scd0

Last edited by m0rl0ck; 04-22-2003 at 03:37 AM.
Old 04-22-2003, 05:01 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2003
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Here we go:

Setting up a CDR/W ($ means normal user, # means su/root)

- Install IDE SCSI into the Kernel (however your distro(s) do it).
- Install basic software (cdrecord, mkisofs
- Restart
- $dmesg | grep ATAPI
- Modify LILO:
#<your editor> /etc/lilo.conf
underneath root=(whatever goes here) where it says Append (usually commented) add:
append="hdd=ide-scsi max_scsi_luns=1"
Save and exit.
#shutdown -r now
$dmesg (you can search for scsi, but it shold be at the bottom)
-Using CDRW (If you're in the group cdrom then you don't need root for these commands).
$cdrecord -scanbus (normally 0,0,0 but may be different for you, write it down).
$<your favourite editor> /etc/default/cdrecord
add default device/speed/fifosize drname,device,speed,fifosize,driveoptions (i didn't do anything so you may not need to do it).
Save. Exit.
put a non-blank cd in (that is one that has data on it).
$cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -v -toc | more (remember that 0,0,0 may not be your devnumber, you should've taken it down before).
-Because it's the second drive it now needs to be set up properly to read/write to.
#cd /dev
#ln -s scd0 cdrw
#cd / (or /mnt if you want, this is creating the cdrw dir)
#mkdir cdrw
#<your favourite editor> /etc/fstab
look for /dev/cdrom and directly underneath it add (without the quotes):
"/dev/cdrw /cdrw iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0" IF you made the mount point at /mnt/cdrw then replace /cdrw with /mnt/cdrw
Save and exit.
Put a cd in both dvd and cdrw.
#mount /cdrom (or whatever your cdrom mountpoint is)
#ls /cdrom
#umount /cdrom
#mount /cdrw (or whatever you made your cdrw mount point to (/mnt/cdrw))
#ls /cdrw
#umount /cdrw
-Burning a test cd.
Put a blank cdr(w) into the cdrw device.
$cd /tmp
$mkisofs -r -o homedir.img /home/<your username> (this makes a cdimage of your homedir).
$cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -v -data home-dir.img (replace dev=0,0,0 with dev=(your device number)).
$mount /cdrw
$ls /cdrw
$umount /cdrw
-You can install an X frontend now if you want CDRoast or such.
-You're finished setting up your CDRW.
Old 04-23-2003, 12:30 AM   #4
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Originally posted by m0rl0ck
you have to boot with ide-scsi emulation enabled.
in your lilo.conf

After you reboot (dont forget to rerun lilo after the above edit!!!) the cdburner should appear as /dev/scd0
In slackware the burner will be /dev/sr0.
Old 04-23-2003, 04:37 PM   #5
Registered: Nov 2002
Distribution: A totally 133t distro :)
Posts: 358

Rep: Reputation: 31
In slackware the burner will be /dev/sr0.
Hmm, I didnt know that something as basic as that would be distro specific.
So things have changed since this document was written?:

EDIT: typo
Old 04-23-2003, 07:01 PM   #6
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Originally posted by m0rl0ck
Hmm, I didnt know that something as basic as that would be distro specific.
So things have changed since this document was written?:

EDIT: typo
bern@grendel bern$ dmesg | grep scsi
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=slackware ro root=302 hdd=ide-scsi
ide_setup: hdd=ide-scsi
scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Old 04-23-2003, 08:34 PM   #7
Registered: Feb 2003
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Then replace scd0 with sr0.

Old 04-24-2003, 01:26 AM   #8
Registered: Nov 2002
Distribution: A totally 133t distro :)
Posts: 358

Rep: Reputation: 31
In slackware the burner will be /dev/sr0.

Found something interesting:
Old 04-24-2003, 01:42 AM   #9
Senior Member
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Location: Brisvegas, Antipodes
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Rep: Reputation: 58
That is interesting.


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