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Old 01-15-2022, 03:57 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2022
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Exclamation Welcome to GRUB: unknown filesystem but can't use a keyboard and enter BIOS

Welcome to grub
Error: unknown filesystem.
grub rescue>

This is a commonly seen ERROR, but in my case the keyboard can't be registered until the system is booted. I can't use the keyboard in general. GRUB rises directly next to the BIOS, that is, even if my keyboard is registered, I could not enter the BIOS. Do you have any idea that would help? Thank you.

Edit: I realized that this might be happening because of the Fast Boot that has been on for me for a week now, which is why Grub appears right behind the logo from the motherboard. There's no way I can change that because I can't get into the bios and my keyboard can't work. I reset the battery from the motherboard, but nothing changed.

Last edited by Kiki2203; 01-15-2022 at 05:37 AM. Reason: New idea
Old 01-15-2022, 07:11 AM   #2
LQ 5k Club
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It might be that you have a usb keyboard.

Borrow a usb 2 PS/2 adapter....boot into bios and check ....usb legacy support.

or borrow a real PS/2 keyboard.

Naturally ignore me if you have already enabled usb legacy support.

eg for a MSI motherboard manual I have
fLegacy USB Support [Enabled]
Sets Legacy USB function support.
[Auto] The system will automatically detect if any USB device is connected
and enable the legacy USB support.
[Enabled] Enable the USB support under legacy mode.
[Disabled] The USB devices will be unavailable under legacy mode
Old 01-15-2022, 02:49 PM   #3
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What distribution and version are you running? Post the make and model number of your computer or the motherboard if home built. For some reason grub can't find its directory on the hard drive.

As posted if your PC has PS/2 ports they will be the default unless USB legacy support is enabled.
Old 01-16-2022, 10:27 PM   #4
LQ Guru
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A modern PC will typically boot directly into the BIOS if there are no bootable devices detected. On these, simply disconnect all bootable devices. If USB keyboard or USB mouse is not detected initially, try unplugging and replugging after BIOS screen is open. Do not plug in a PS/2 keyboard or mouse to a powered up PC. It's possible on some PCs to kill a PS/2 port doing so.


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