well, i am the proud owner of an iaudio x5, it is a harddisk mp3 player, with a harddrive.
well, the other day i tried to upload stuff on to it w/e, and it kept doing funky things, such as say not enough space in device, when i know i have like 4 gigs of space left. so it kept driving me crazy.
small files can be transfered, but in the middle of transferring large files it says it runs out of storage space and/or seg fault. in addition to that, the fs changes to ro. weird man...
well, this is the weirdest part...
... wat do you guys make of it?
... storage space is 30 gigs btw...
root@dookalite:~/temp# dosfsck -a /dev/sdb1
dosfsck 2.10, 22 Sep 2003, FAT32, LFN
There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
Differences: (offset:original/backup)
Not automatically fixing this.
FATs differ but appear to be intact. Using first FAT.
/MUSIC/3 doors down
Contains a free cluster (47698). Assuming EOF.
/MUSIC/buck-o-nine/Buck-O-Nine - Swimming in sand.mp3
Contains a free cluster (49511). Assuming EOF.
/MUSIC/buck-o-nine/Buck-O-Nine - Swimming in sand.mp3
File size is 5714515 bytes, cluster chain length is 458752 bytes.
Truncating file to 458752 bytes.
/MUSIC/disney/Classic Disney vol 5 - 10 - David Moscow - (Newsies) Seize The Day.mp3
Contains a free cluster (241806). Assuming EOF.
/MUSIC/disney/Classic Disney vol 5 - 10 - David Moscow - (Newsies) Seize The Day.mp3
File size is 1971349 bytes, cluster chain length is 1966080 bytes.
Truncating file to 1966080 bytes.
/MUSIC/disney/Classic Disney Vol 2 - 01 - (Beauty And The Beast) Be Our Guest.mp3
Contains a free cluster (253998). Assuming EOF.
/MUSIC/disney/Classic Disney Vol 2 - 01 - (Beauty And The Beast) Be Our Guest.mp3
File size is 3630020 bytes, cluster chain length is 1409024 bytes.
Truncating file to 1409024 bytes.
/MUSIC/kelly clarkson/Kelley Clarkson - 07 - Where Is Your Heart.mp3
Contains a free cluster (626963). Assuming EOF.
/MUSIC/kelly clarkson/Kelley Clarkson - 07 - Where Is Your Heart.mp3
File size is 5627427 bytes, cluster chain length is 442368 bytes.
Truncating file to 442368 bytes.
Unfinished long file name ":7T5:0mt:0HH:75N:8NP:5ms:BPd:9sw:Dqb:BMa:1Lv:AW9:3En".
(Start may have been overwritten by \002A\005»X3SU.ú8\210)
Not auto-correcting this.
Wrong checksum for long file name ":7T5:0mt:0HH:75N:8NP:5ms:BPd:9sw:Dqb:BMa:1Lv:AW9:3En".
(Short name \002A\005»X3SU.ú8\210 may have changed without updating the long name)
Not auto-correcting this.
Long filename fragment "Þ:FxI:3uk:0e8:9Z7:CE-:COg:AK2:A1L:DjJ:4Mf:1n2:B3w" found outside a LFN sequence.
(Maybe the start bit is missing on the last fragment)
Not auto-correcting this.
Checksum in long filename part wrong (ff vs. expected fd).
Not auto-correcting this.
Segmentation fault