Weird NVIDIA Issue
I recently upgraded my Nvidia drivers from 3123 to 4192 (the latest) and now I'm having a really weird problem with my screensavers. Screensavers like KFlux and KFireworks now display squares instead of the nice, rounded graphics that they're supposed to be. Since my KDE was compiled from source tarballs I thought that recompiling KDEArtwork against the new Nvidia drivers would help, but that didn't do anything. Normally I wouldn't be worried about a screensaver, but I'm afraid that if something this simple is behaving in this manner, what is a full-blown game going to do?
Here are my specs:
Pentium 4 (1.6GHz)
Mandrake 9.0
256 MB RAM
256 MB swap
20GB harddisc (ext3)
NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 (64 MB RAM)
KDE 3.1 (compiled from source tarballs)
If anyone can help me resolve this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for your help!