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Old 05-25-2006, 05:09 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
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Lightbulb Video-3D HCL with free drivers necessary

HI All,

Up until now I have been using both nvidia and ati video cards and, okey, they have served me well-ish..... However, I am fed up with having to deal with the propriety software thing.

Although I respects anyones decision to use proprietary software, I have made a choice to only use free software as my drivers (no motivation, just my choice).

Now, what I miss in LinuxQuestions (or anywhere else) for that matter, is a list composed of Video hardware including 3D features that are supported by free software drivers. The general HCL has too much scattered information which I am not sure I can trust, because some people still don't understand what a free driver means.

It does not mean you can freely download it. It means that anyone can see the source and the specs along with using the binary (and usually you can freely download it).

Don't get me wrong, I am not a developer of drivers. I just want to keep my distribution clear and free and specifically I want to promote using hardware that supports free 3D-drivers.

Okey, I might missed an information source so if anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be grateful.

Otherwise, could we create a HCL-3D-free-drivers list?

Guus Bonnema, The Netherlands.
Old 05-26-2006, 01:21 AM   #2
Simon Bridge
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I know what you mean: I have come across two - some newer SiS (SiS300 chipset?) vga cards have open source drivers withy DRI support, and I have heard recently that the intel 950 series are supposed to be open too.

Old ATI cards have open source drivers - though ATI are no longer providing the specs.


3d, drivers, hardware, video

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