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Old 07-06-2004, 11:58 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 105

Rep: Reputation: 15
verify faulty software raid hard drive

Need some hard drive hardware expertise. Upon running a raid resync I had the following errors occur with my hard drive.

Jul 6 20:59:57 localhost kernel: hde: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x21
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: error waiting for DMA
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: dma timeout retry: status=0x50 { DriveReady SeekComplete }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel:
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: read_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: read_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: read_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: read_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: read_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: read_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: read_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: hde: read_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: PDC202XX: Primary channel reset.
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: ide2: reset: success
Jul 6 21:00:07 localhost kernel: blk: queue c03ce8a8, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff)
Jul 6 21:00:27 localhost kernel: hde: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x21
Jul 6 23:22:22 localhost syslogd 1.4.1: restart.

You can here the hard drive trying to cut on and off. Sometimes on boot up the bios fails to recognize the drive and you can hear once again it trying to cut on and off. Does this sound like the hd is going bad?? The thing is though I can go into recovery mode and still mount this drive and view its intact contents most of the time. If the motor is going bad how can I verify this accurately before shipping it back to the manufacture.

I guess my main question is how can I verify its the drive and not say perhaps my power supply or connector? I hate pay to send this thing back and nothing wrong with it.

Also the other rsyncs seem to have went smoothly so I'm having trouble blaming the software.

Thanks in advance,
Jonathan S.

Drive is a wester digital 80 gb.
Kernel is 2.4.10
Distribution redhat


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