Using motherboard sound - too loud!!
Hello there.. on my second computer, I have a soundcard that isn't really good and I decided to just forget about it and use the motherboard sound (just plug in the back, no sound card).. but I find it's really damn loud, and I've just been using it on win XP for the moment, but is there a way to bump it down in the drivers or hardware or something? when I play CS I need to have it less than a mm above bottom - in windows sound config - even then it is still too loud. but when I play mp3s it can go up to about half way to be audiable.. it changes according to which programs I run.. is there a hardware way or definate software/firmware way to alter it so I don't get any nasty (VERY NASTY-- nearly blow out eardrums) suprises? even when I load linux on it (tonight/tomorrow).. is this going to change? I'm dual booting.. but I really hate the unstability in the volume... my speakers are HP ones that have no volume control on them.. plus I listen through headphones a lot...