Well... I'm happy. It works with 4349 for me.
My system:
RedHat 8.1 (Kernel 2.4.18-14) with xfree86 version 4.2.0
P4 1.8Ghz Dell Inspiron 8250 Laptop
Intel 845 ("Brookdale") AGP chipset
1024x768 15" LCD
GeForce 2 GO (32Mb)
Previously used standard VESA display 1024x768
Haven't changed from the Default BlueCurve scheme.
I installed the latest NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Drivers (1.0-4349) and it worked. I read a lot of people
were having grief with these so this is exactly what I did and it wasn't much at all! Followed the Readme
on the site beside the file. Good documentation.
1) Got the NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver 1.0-4349 (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4349.run) from
2) Set the runlevel to 3 in the /etc/inittab file.
3) Checked I had 4.0.1 of XFree86 installed. I had. RedHat 8.1 comes with 4.2.0 apparently (looking at
/var/log/XFree86.0.log). The Readme suggests you need at least 4.0.1. I stuck with 4.2.0. There is a 4.3.0 version now available.
4) ran sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4349.run. The installer does everything...
5) next edit /etc/X11/XF86Config to change "nv" to "nvidia" etc as in the readme.
6) startx
Came back onto the desk after a quick Nvidia logo display. Tried out the GL screensavers. Very nice.
No slowdown of 2D operations either. Thank God for that.
Will need to run the .run installer again if kernel is updated.
Some Quick Questions if anyone knows?
i) installer/deinstaller gui is supposed to be installed. Used to install upcoming updates. I haven't found
the mention where?
ii) With regards to "3)" above is there any file or tool in RedHat to check my current version of XFree86 other than looking in /var/log/XFree86.0.log ?
iii) Recommend any quick downloadable open GL games or examples? I'm trying out Celestia (a 3D solar system viewer)
iv) Recommend any of the other "options" that I should try in my XF86Config file?
One I have tried is: NvAgp support.
checking /proc/drivers/nvidia/agp/status shows it's using it. /proc/drivers/nvidia/agp/card shows fastwrites not
supported even though /proc/drivers/nvidia/agp/host-bridge does.
Kudos to the NVidia team! Excellent support and indepth documentation!