Currently you have it so the machine WILL try to mount it during bootup, so if you aren't getting any errors now, you should be fine with that option.
As for your GF not having root priviledges, you can allow users to mount specific devices with the 'users' option:
/dev/sda1 /mnt/usb vfat auto,users 0 0
You can look into SuperMount or AutoMount as options for what you would like to do. I suggest against it, simply because I find bugs everytime I use something like that, probably just my bad luck though
Here are some links for ya:
http://hints.linuxfromscratch.org/hints/automount.txt (Automount)
http://hints.linuxfromscratch.org/hints/supermount.txt (SuperMount)
Both are taken from the LFS hints, these really apply to nearly all linux systems, it helps keep things on a more "standard" basis. I'm sure there are RPM's or something specific for your distro, check your install CD's or rpmfind.net for more info