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Old 11-23-2004, 01:31 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 2

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USB Mouse randomly freezes with new 2.6.x Kernels + funny side effects

Hallo all together,

I'm running Debian (testing) with self-made 2.6.9 on my Mitac-notebook (mostly VIA-stuff inside). When I plug in my wireless USB mouse it seems to work for a few seconds and then the cursor randomly freezes for no reason (touchpad still working, LEDs still on). There is no output produced or error reported at this time (in syslog, dmesg, /var/log/messages etc.).

Now the funny part:

When I do a "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices" the mouse is working again... and after short time stopping... and working... and stopping... So I would blame the kernel for that behavior. Maybe there is some internal datastructure, that gets reinitialized when you cat the /proc/bus/usb/devices file. I suspect one of the following modules to cause the trouble:
- uhci-usd
- usbcore
- evdev
- usbhid
- or (hopefully not) one of the ACPI modules

Here is what I already tried:
- patch my kernel sources with the latest ACPI - sources
- patch another source tree with the latest "ac" patch (ac11)
- patch a third source tree with the latest "mm" patch (2.6.9-mm1)
- downgrade to 2.6.1 where (I think) it worked, which now made my X crash... (/dev/fb0 not found)
- pci=noacpi (did not work)
- apci=off (worked, but my computer is terribly hot after 10 minutes uptime -> no solution)
- <many other boot parameters>
- I think GNOME has nothing to do with this...
- I think X has nothing to do with this...
- or the best (and also stupid) one is backgrounding this:
while true
cat /proc/bus/usb/devices > /dev/null
sleep 2
done (-> very very bad solution)
My questions:
- Is there anybody out there who experienced something similar?
- Is there anybody who knows something about the cat /proc/.../devices thing?
- Are there any kernel patches out there addressing similar problems?
- Are there any other suggestions about what else I could try?

Any comment on this is welcome...
I want my mouse back (((



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