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Old 10-22-2005, 02:09 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
usb joystick problem on debian sarge(3.1).....

l am running debian sarge(3.1 stable) have successfully connected and configered
a Saitek Cyborg Evo usb joystick-all the testing works and the gtk graphical interface;
jsconfigurator,has no problem displaying the axis,buttons and such for successful
configuring.l was breifly a happy man.
That was until l attempted to use the joystick in an actual game-ANY! game that is....
the stick in short worked in every game l have installed (gl-117,heavy gear 2,flightgear)
BUT ONLY THE BUTTONS!!!....the 3 axis;X Y Z and the throttle slider do not function!.
l can provide much further info;eg-results of testing,calibration etc.
Usually the problem lies in getting a device to work with modules,drivers etc and then a
particular program has an issue with it....but this weirdness is annoying to say the least.
Hoping for your input....
Old 10-22-2005, 03:23 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
Posts: 2

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
reply to me!.....

Well l have just discovered the solution,it turns out jscalibrator doesn't exit cleanly.The result being if you run
another application straight afterwards-the buttons work;BUT NOT THE AXIS!!!!.
Here is the url to this gem of info;

And this is the specific portion of relevant text;
Picky Programs / buggy tools

If you run another program after jscalibrator you will probably only see the buttons working. Reloading the driver module should correct this and games such as gl-117 have the jockstick calibrated because of the ~/.joystick file created by jscalibrator.

This is a bug in jscalibrator which does not exit cleanly. It leaves large offsets on the axes so that the mouse pointer is permanently off-screen. It is sufficient to unload the sound card module

modprobe -r <modulename>

then reload it as before. We dont like rebooting Linux.

Now l have run jsconfigurator as a check BEFORE trying the games-thus my problem.
Hope this helps others who use jsconfigurator.


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